
Psaki: Trump Urged People to “Inject Versions of Poison into Their Veins to Cure Covid” (VIDEO)

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday attacked Trump with lies after Fox News reporter Peter Doocy pointed out Joe Biden sowed doubt about the Covid vaccine during the campaign.

Peter Doocy asked Psaki if Biden created some vaccine hesitancy when he attacked Trump’s efforts to get a Covid vaccine produced with “Operation Warp Speed.”

Psaki defended Joe Biden and claimed Trump was telling people to inject poison their veins.

“I would note that at the time, just for context, the former president was also suggesting people inject versions of poison into their veins to cure Covid,” Psaki said.


Psaki repeated the same lie about Trump that Pelosi spread last year.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last year spread dangerous misinformation and claimed Trump urged people to “inject Lysol and drink bleach.”

In April 2020, President Trump during a presser was referring to discussions of testing ultraviolet light on patients and possibly using the light inside the body. “And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it [the virus] out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside, or almost a cleaning, cause you see it gets in the lungs.”

Psaki will get away with this whopper because none of the left-wing ‘fact-checkers’ will correct the record.

The post Psaki: Trump Urged People to “Inject Versions of Poison into Their Veins to Cure Covid” (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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