
Taliban Leaders Enter Presidential Palace in Kabul – Afghan President Flees Country #BidenEffect (VIDEO)

Taliban leaders entered the presidential palace in Kabul on Sunday.

Afghanistan is now fully under the Taliban’s control.

Afghanistan’s president fled the country with his family on Sunday according to the Associated Press.

Taliban leaders were seen on video entering the Kabul palace and celebrating.

“We took control of all regions of Afghanistan without bloodshed,” said a Taliban security leader.

VIDEO via Al-Jazeera:

The Taliban celebrated from inside the presidential palace in Kabul.


One of the Taliban leaders who spent time in Gitmo celebrated conquering Kabul.

“I was detained in Guantanamo bay camp for several years” the Taliban leader said from inside the palace on Sunday.

The Taliban seized US weapons, munitions and military equipment such as armored tanks and military vehicles.

The US is currently evacuating the country.

Meanwhile AWOL Joe Biden is hiding out at Camp David.

Here’s Joe Biden last month (July 8) saying the Taliban won’t take back Afghanistan:

The post Taliban Leaders Enter Presidential Palace in Kabul – Afghan President Flees Country #BidenEffect (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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