
“That’s a LIE!”…Mike Lindell Explains What Really Happened When He Rushed Off Stage During Cyber-Symposium

100 Percent Fed Up reports – In what can only be described as curious timing, a federal judge ruled on day 3 of Mike Lindell’s cyber symposium that Dominion Voting Machine’s lawsuit against Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, and Rudy Giuliani would be allowed to proceed. The announcement came on the final day of the My Pillow CEO’s cyber symposium, where the My Pillow CEO promised to prove the November 2020 election was stolen.

On day 3 of the cyber symposium, retired Army Intelligence Captain and former baseball analyst Seth Keshel was sharing charts of statistical improbabilities from the November 2020 election with the audience when Mike Lindell suddenly popped up from his seat and hustled off stage.

John Whitehouse, the news director at the George Soros-funded Media Matters, posted this video of Mike jumping up from his seat. Without having a clue about why Mike jumped up from his seat, or without bothering to inquire, he posted the video clip on Twitter with a deceitful tagline that looked like a 4-year-old wrote it:

moments after a federal judge ruled that dominion’s lawsuits against mike lindell, sidney powell, giuliani, and others can proceed, lindell himself hustles off stage

Almost immediately, the far-left Yahoo News and Business Insider, publications that have somehow managed to fool readers into believing they’re objective sources of news, pounced on the tweet by the dishonest Media Matters “news” director and manufactured an entire story around it. But, of course, their only objective was to discredit and embarrass Mike Lindell by attempting to tie his abrupt exit from the stage during his cyber symposium to the judge’s curiously timed announcement that he would allow the Dominion lawsuit to proceed against him.

Both publications shared the same headline and copy.

MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell fled the stage at his cyber symposium at the same time news broke that Dominion’s billion-dollar defamation lawsuit against him would proceed.

Business Insider and Yahoo News wrote: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was seen dashing off the stage at his cyber symposium Wednesday at the same time news broke that the $1.3 billion defamation suit filed against him by Dominion Voting Systems would go ahead. 

Lindell attempted to have the defamation lawsuit dismissed during a hearing in June. But US District Judge Carl J. Nichols on Wednesday ruled the three defamation lawsuits against Lindell, and the pro-Trump lawyers Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani could proceed in full. The suits are seeking more than a billion dollars in damages from each party.

Nichols noted in his judgment that the First Amendment offered “no blanket immunity” to Lindell in the Dominion lawsuit. The company alleges it was defamed by Lindell’s false claims that it rigged the 2020 election against Donald Trump.

In an exclusive interview, 100 Percent Fed Up asked Mike Lindell about the articles that appeared in both publications, to which he replied, “They lied!” Next, we asked him what happened during the event that caused him to jump up from his seat and move hastily across the stage. Mike explained that while the retired US Army Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel was speaking, a member of his technical staff attempted to get his attention to ask him a question. “That was it!” Mike told us, “They signaled me during his presentation, and they wanted to know which video to put up next. It was a technical issue and had nothing to do with Dominion,” Mike told us.

How long will it take the infamous Alan Duke of Lead Stories to “fact-check” both misleading articles on Facebook? We’re not going to hold our breath…

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The post “That’s a LIE!”…Mike Lindell Explains What Really Happened When He Rushed Off Stage During Cyber-Symposium appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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