
‘That’s Not True’ – Biden Throws Military Brass Under the Bus, Claims They Never Urged Him to Keep 2,500 Troops in Afghanistan to Maintain Stability (VIDEO)

Joe Biden gave an interview to Democrat operative George Stephanopoulos and opened up about his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan without a real plan in place to maintain stability while safely evacuating Americans.

Biden defended his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan and even blamed Trump.

Stephanopoulos cited The Wall Street Journal’s report claiming top generals told Biden to keep 2,500 troops on the ground while they evacuated Americans and Afghan allies.

Biden didn’t listen to his military advisors and Bagram Air Base was closed in early July.

“But your top military advisors warned against withdrawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops-” Stephanopoulos said.

“No they didn’t!” Biden said interrupting Stephanopoulos. “It was split. That wasn’t true. That wasn’t true.”

Stephanopoulos pressed Biden, “They didn’t tell you they wanted troops to stay?”

“No, no one said that to me that I can recall,” Biden said.

In Biden’s defense he can’t remember anything and doesn’t know where he is so there’s that.


The post ‘That’s Not True’ – Biden Throws Military Brass Under the Bus, Claims They Never Urged Him to Keep 2,500 Troops in Afghanistan to Maintain Stability (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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