
“These Five Individuals Will Help Undermine the Very Same Government President Obama Says He’s Trying to Help.” – Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer in 2014

Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer, author of The Last Line, and Ret. Col. David Hunt claimed that the Bowe Bergdahl prisoner swap was a terrible deal. Lt. Colonel Shaffer reported that the Obama administration paid $5 billion and released five top Taliban Gitmo detainees in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

bob bergdahl
Obama celebrated the release of deserter Bowe Bergdahl with a White House press conference in the Rose Garden in May 2014.

Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer, who was part of the negotiations, knew that the Obama Administration paid out $5 billion and traded five top Taliban detainees for Bergdahl.

Shaffer said in this interview seven years ago with Judge Janine:

What we’re doing here judge is actually laying the ground work, much like Woodrow Wilson did to lead into World War II.  We’re not actually supporting the Afghan government.  These five individuals will help undermine the very same government President Obama says he’s trying to help.  And also more importantly, I don’t trust Qatar where these prisoners have been released to.  The chances are very good, even if they’re not back in the field commanding troops, this is a propaganda victory for the Taliban.

Here was a video from an interview with Judge Janine:

Obama never wanted the Afghanistan government to succeed.  

The post “These Five Individuals Will Help Undermine the Very Same Government President Obama Says He’s Trying to Help.” – Lt. Colonel Tony Shaffer in 2014 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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