
President Trump Reveals that Dr. Fauci Never Told Him that He Was Funding a Virology Lab in Wuhan

Yesterday, President Trump joined The Gateway Pundit for a short interview.  The topic of Dr. Fauci came up.  

Dr. Fauci worked for President Trump but he apparently never told the President that he (Dr. Fauci) was providing a grant to China related to the COVID virus.

Jim Hoft asked:

We were wondering and we thought we’d ask you, did Dr. Fauci ever tell you that he was funding that Wuhan lab?  Was that anything that came up in discussions?

President Trump responded:

No, but we were the ones that ended the funding but for a different reason.  I said, why the hell are we sending money to China?  I heard somewhere that there was money being sent to China.  I said China’s doing very well thank you.  We don’t have to be funding anything.  It was interesting because we didn’t know it was there.  We send money to China for research.  I said what are we doing.  Why are we doing that?  And, I ended it.   You know it started with Obama and I ended it.


Dr. Fauci turned out to be a sleazeball.  He wasn’t honest.  He made numerous contradictions and he withheld important information from the President that should have led to Fauci’s resignation.  

The post President Trump Reveals that Dr. Fauci Never Told Him that He Was Funding a Virology Lab in Wuhan appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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