
“Are You Holding an Infrastructure Vote Today?” – Pelosi Flees Podium as Reporters Press Her on Democrats in Chaos (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi awkwardly giggled as she fled the podium while reporters pressed her on Democrats in complete chaos.

Joe Biden on Thursday announced his ‘scaled back’ $1.75 trillion Socialist “Build Back Better” climate bill.

The Democrats control both chambers of Congress and Biden couldn’t even get his $3.5 trillion spending bill passed.

Biden was forced to scale his bill back, but it’s still a heaping pile of Marxist trash.

Meanwhile, Pelosi’s infrastructure bill is also on life support because of Democrat infighting.

A few dozen liberal lawmakers are defying Pelosi and will only vote on the infrastructure bill and Biden’s spending bill together.

Pelosi vowed to bring the bill to a House vote on Thursday, but the ‘progressive’ wing of her caucus says they will block the bill.

Jayapal Thursday morning told CNN reporter Manu Raju: “I don’t think the Speaker has ever brought a bill to the floor that doesn’t have the votes, and right now there are over three dozen members, […] who feel very strongly these two bills need to move together.”


Reporters asked Pelosi about the infrastructure bill after she refused to answer questions following her meeting with the progressive lawmakers.

Pelosi giggled and fled the lectern before realizing she forgot her mask.


The post “Are You Holding an Infrastructure Vote Today?” – Pelosi Flees Podium as Reporters Press Her on Democrats in Chaos (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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