
Did Those Calling for ‘Indigenous Day’ Instead of Columbus Day Remember The Indigenous Land Stolen by Muslims in the Middle East?

Ezequiel Doiny drafted an oped at the Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) for those calling for Indigenous Day instead of Columbus Day in the US. 

Below are some excerpts from his article:

On Tuesday, October 5, 2021, Arutz Sheva reported that “Justice Bilhha Yahalom of the Jerusalem Magistrates Court ruled that silent prayers on the Temple Mount cannot be construed as a criminal act, and ordered police to drop a restraining order imposed on Rabbi Aryeh Lippo, who had been barred from the Mount over his silent prayers.” This , as to be expected, angered Jordan.

Several days later, the site reported that the “Jerusalem District Court accepts police appeal against Magistrate Court ruling permitting Jews to pray silently on Temple Mount,” providing Hamas with a reason to celebrate – which they did.

On October 11, Columbus day, now called Indigenous day, we should have put the emphasis on Islam’s colonialist conquests of Constantinople and Jerusalem and their treatment of the indigenous populations. Today Muslims illegally occupy both the Hagia Sophia and the Temple Mount.

In fact, Columbus conquered America in 1492 shortly after Muslims conquered Constantinople in 1453. Muslims have the same claim to Hagia Sophia (see picture above) and Jerusalem that Columbus had to the Mayan Pyramids.

Adding insult to injury, forbidding Christians and Jews to pray in their holy sites is a violation of freedom of religion.

Today Arabs do not allow Jews to pray in the Temple Mount, but during the Jordanian occupation of Jerusalem (1948-1967) Jews were not allowed to pray at the Western Wall either. Despite that and their threats to riot if Jews are allowed to pray in the Temple Mount today, Jews allow Muslims to pray in Al Aqsa.

Those who do not know the Temple Mount cannot understand that there is enough space there for Jews to pray without interfering in Al Aqsa, there is even space to build a synagogue there without interfering in Al Aqsa.

Arabs built the Al Aqsa Mosque in Temple Mount to make Muslims the legitimate heirs of Jewish sanctity. because they know that Jerusalem’s Temple Mount is to Judaism as the Kaaba in Mecca is to Islam.

Simon Sebag Montefiore describes, in his book Jerusalem, the Arab Conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire (Chapter 16, page 166) that Arabs built the Al Aqsa Mosque in Temple Mount to make Muslims the legitimate heirs of Jewish sanctity: “In 518, aged thirty-five, Justinian found himself the real ruler of the Eastern empire when his uncle Justin was raised to the throne…”

“Justinian demoted Judaism from a permited religion and banned Passover if it fell before Easter, converted synagogues into churches, forcibly baptized Jews, and commandeered Jewish History: in 537, when Justinian dedicated his breathtaking Church of Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom” in Constantinople, he is said to have reflected ‘Solomon, I have surpassed thee.’

Read more at the Israeli National News here.


The post Did Those Calling for ‘Indigenous Day’ Instead of Columbus Day Remember The Indigenous Land Stolen by Muslims in the Middle East? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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