
Gunshots Ring Out as St. Louis Mayor Holds Presser After She Ran on Cutting Police During Her Campaign

We’ve reported on St. Louis Mayor Tishaura Jones previously.  She has a record of cop-hating.

Cop-Hating Leftist Tishaura Jones Wins St. Louis Mayoral Race – As Homicides Soar in St. Louis City to 50-Year High

Tishaura Jones praised praised the police budget cuts earlier this year in St. Louis arguing that the defunding of police will help tackles “some of the root causes to crime.”

The St. Louis City budget board approved a $4 million cut in funding to the city police and the elimination of 98 unfilled police jobs in this year’s budget bill.

This past week when she was giving a press conference on violence in St. Louis, gunshots rang out during her speech.  The Daily Mail reported:

The mayor of St. Louis did not flinch during a press conference when gunfire erupted nearby, saying she was unfortunately used to it.

Mayor Tishaura Jones was speaking to the press on Friday about her and Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas’ efforts to reduce violent crime following a roundtable discussion about public safety when what sounded like gunfire went off nearby.

But Jones did not miss a beat and sarcastically responded ‘Oh isn’t that wonderful,’ before getting back to the topic at hand…

…After the roundtable Jones reiterated her efforts to remedy the gun violence epidemic by allocating $11.5 million in the American Rescue Plan funding towards violence intervention programs & youth jobs.

‘The advocates and survivors I heard from agreed: To improve public safety, we must treat gun violence like the public health crisis it is,’ she tweeted. ‘We must reverse decades of intentional disinvestment that have left entire communities across our city struggling.’

Here was the Mayor’s reaction.

For some reason, millions wasted on intervention programs doesn’t seem to be the answer.  

Note that The Gateway Pundit has a defamation court case in process with Ms. Jones.

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