
McAuliffe Campaign, Virginia Democrats Deny Role in False Flag Tiki Torch Stunt at Glenn Youngkin Campaign Stop

The campaign of Democrat candidate for governor Terry McAuliffe denied having a role in the in the false flag Tiki torch stunt at a Charlottesville campaign stop by Republican candidate for governor Glenn Youngkin. The Virginia Democratic Party also denied involvement.

A group of five people comprised of three White men, a White woman and a Black man, dressed in matching white dress shirts, tan khaki trousers, ball caps and sunglasses with each carrying Tiki torches pretended to be Youngkin supporters as they reenacted the infamous 2017 White nationalist Tiki torch Unite the Right march in Charlottesville.

The stunt was reported by Elizabeth Holmes with WVIR-TV:

Internet sleuths, mainly reporter Alec Sears, deduced that several reenactors bore striking resemblances to Democrat operatives, prompting their Twitter accounts to go private.

Mediaite reported the McAuliffe campaign also denied involvement but smeared Youngkin anyway (excerpt):

“McAuliffe spokesperson Renzo Olivari told Mediaite, “This was not us or anyone affiliated with our campaign. There is one candidate in this race who has embraced white nationalists — and his name is Glenn Youngkin.”

A statement by Andrew Whitely, executive director of the Virginia Democrats, reads, “The Democratic Party of Virginia, along with its coordinated partners and its affiliates, did not have any role today in the events that happened outside of the Youngkin campaign bus stop today (sic). What happened in Charlottesville four years ago was a tragedy and one of the darkest moments in our state’s recent memories and is an event not to be taken lightly. For anyone to accuse our staff to have a role in this event is shameful and wrong.”

Youngkin told WVIR he believes the McAuliffe campaign was behind the stunt, “Asked about Friday’s incident, Youngkin said, “I think they work for Terry McAuliffe, and I’m sure he sent them.” The candidate continued, “They’ll do anything to win, and he’s doing anything to win, and so he’s paying people to show up and act silly at our rallies.”

Democrat operatives suspected in the stunt went dark on Friday.

No word on this one yet, though he bears a resemblance to a McAuliffe staffer.

The post McAuliffe Campaign, Virginia Democrats Deny Role in False Flag Tiki Torch Stunt at Glenn Youngkin Campaign Stop appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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