
Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations

Big Media blacked out the news on Friday night that hundreds of flights out of Jacksonville were cancelled due to walkouts in response to vaccine mandates.

We’ve reported already on the Southwest Airlines flights canceled this weekend.

Southwest Airlines Cancels Nearly 2,000 Flights This Weekend as Rumors Swirl Employees Are on Strike Due to Covid Vaccine Mandate

In addition, according to one source air traffic controllers staged a walkout in Jacksonville in response to the vaccine mandate being forced on them.

Even radical Tom Sauer reported on the air traffic controllers going on strike in Florida.

Americans are fed up with radical leftists (communists) mandating insane actions that take our freedom away.

The post Media Blackout: It’s Not Just Southwest Airlines – Air Traffic Controllers in Jacksonville Walked Out Friday Night Protesting Mandatory COVID Vaccinations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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