
Poll: 35 Percent Want 2020 Presidential Election Overturned; Only 39 Percent Definitely Believe Election Was ‘Free and Fair’

Thirty-five percent of registered voters believe the 2020 presidential lection should be overturned according to a Morning Consult-Politico poll released Wednesday. Only 39 percent believe the election was “definitely” “free and fair.” The poll has Joe Biden’s approve/disapprove underwater at 46/51. The generic Congressional election is margin of error (two percent) tied.

Excerpt from poll results (359 pages of crosstabs at this link):

P1 Now, generally speaking, would you say that things in the country are going in the
right direction, or have they pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track?
Right Direction 787 39%
Wrong Track 1212 61%

nr2bNET Do you approve or disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as President?
Total Approve 926 46%
Total Disapprove 1019 51%
Don’t Know / No Opinion 54 3%

POL2 If the election for U.S. Congress in your district was held today, which one of the
following candidates are you most likely to vote for?
Democratic candidate 874 44%
Republican candidate 848 42%
Don’t know / No opinion 277 14%

POL9 Generally speaking, how much do you trust the United States’ election system?
Trust a lot 544 27%
Trust some 506 25%
Distrust some 389 19%
Distrust a lot 471 24%
Don’t know / No opinion 89 4%

POL11 As far as you know, do you believe the November 2022 midterm elections for U.S.
Congress will be free and fair?
Yes, definitely 542 27%
Yes, probably 595 30%
No, probably not 475 24%
No, definitely not 138 7%
Don’t know / No opinion 249 12%

POL12 As far as you know, do you believe the 2020 presidential election was a free and fair
Yes, definitely 776 39%
Yes, probably 346 17%
No, probably not 320 16%
No, definitely not 414 21%
Don’t know / No opinion 142 7%

POL15 Based on what you’ve seen, read, or heard, how likely do you believe it is that the
results of the 2020 presidential election will be overturned?
Very likely 191 10%
Somewhat likely 180 9%
Somewhat unlikely 241 12%
Very unlikely 1170 59%
Don’t know / No opinion 217 11%

POL16 Do you think the results of the 2020 presidential election should be overturned?
Yes, definitely 430 22%
Yes, probably 252 13%
No, probably not 241 12%
No, definitely not 864 43%
Don’t know / No opinion 212 11%

Spokeswoman for President Trump Liz Harrington commented on the poll, noting that a sizeable number of Democrats and independents believe the election should be overturned, “Morning Consult Poll: 35% of registered voters think 2020 should be overturned, 27% of Independents,60% of Republicans. Even 16% of Democrats think 2020 should be overturned (really sounds like 81 million “votes”!)”

The post Poll: 35 Percent Want 2020 Presidential Election Overturned; Only 39 Percent Definitely Believe Election Was ‘Free and Fair’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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