
FACE OF EVIL: Fake News Is Running Garbage Report that Jan. 6 Organizers Had Burner Phones and Spoke with Trump Family That Day — But These Were Ellipse Rally Organizers Who Had NOTHING TO DO with Capitol Hill Protests

Over a million Trump supporters gathered at the Ellipse in Washington DC on January 6th to support President Trump. These American patriots rightly believed the 2020 election was stolen by illegal state government maneuvers, Big Tech interference, illegal ballots and dirty tactics.

These American patriots hoped and prayed that Vice President Pence would do the right thing and force the swing states to reexamine their results. Obviously, this didn’t materialize. Mike Pence approved the results of the election while President Trump was speaking that day.

After November 3rd, when no one else was doing anything to “Stop the Steal” of the presidential election, Women for America First (WFAF) led by Amy Kremer stepped in and filled the gap with other grassroots activists. The RNC bailed out early and did nothing.

In fact, the RNC blew off the Jan. 5th and 6th events and held a winter meeting at a posh resort on Amelia Island that day instead.

This group helped organize one of the largest rallies ever in Washington DC that drew around one million Trump supporters on January 6th. Now they are being persecuted by the Biden regime and Liz Cheney.

** You can donate to the Women for America First Legal Fund here.

The historic “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th had NOTHING to do with the protests and violence that occurred at the US Capitol later that day.

This brings us to the latest screaming headline in the fake news…

The fake news today is running with the garbage report that January 6th protest organizers Amy Kremer and her daughter Kylie Kremer had burner phones and used them to speak with members of the Trump family including Eric Trump and his wife Lara Trump.

The fake news wants you to believe this is a game changer — that this ties the Trump family to the rioting at the US Capitol where four Trump supporters were killed including one woman who was shot dead in cold blood by Capitol Police.

Of course, the purpose of this nothing-burger report is to make you think the Trump family was organizing the rioting a mile away on Capitol Hill.

This is how evil the mainstream media has become.

Via The Hill:

Organizers of the “Stop the Steal” rally that preceded the deadly Capitol attack on Jan. 6 allegedly communicated with members of former President Trump’s family and administration, according to Rolling Stone magazine.

Multiple sources told Rolling Stone that Kylie Kremer, an organizer for the rally that took place at D.C.’s Ellipse park, had an aide buy three burner phones a few days before Jan. 6. Kremer said that it was “of the utmost importance” that the phones be purchased with cash, one source, who was a member of the March for Trump team, told the magazine.

Kremer kept one of the phones herself, while another was reportedly given to her mother, Amy Kremer, who was also an organizer of the rally. Sources could not say who the third was given to.

According to Rolling Stone, the phones were used to communicate with high-ranking members of Trump’s inner circle, including his son Eric Trump, daughter-in-law and former campaign official Lara Trump, former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and former Trump surrogate Katrina Pierson.

Speaking of when Kylie Kremer bought the phones, the March for Trump member said, “That was when the planning for the event on the Ellipse was happening, she needed burner phones in order to communicate with high-level people is how she put it.”

When reached for comment by The Hill, representatives for Donald Trump, Eric Trump and Kim Kremer did not immediately respond to the Rolling Stone article.

More garbage from the fake news.

** You can donate to the Women for America First Legal Fund here.

The post FACE OF EVIL: Fake News Is Running Garbage Report that Jan. 6 Organizers Had Burner Phones and Spoke with Trump Family That Day — But These Were Ellipse Rally Organizers Who Had NOTHING TO DO with Capitol Hill Protests appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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