
Happy Thanksgiving from Arizona Fake ‘Apache’ Lewis Rath

A man in Arizona claimed he was Indian to sell his woodwork to unsuspecting customers.

The Daily Mail reports:

An artist faked his heritage as a member of the San Carlos Apache tribe in order to sell his woodwork art pieces at inflated prices, the federal agents have said.

Lewis Anthony Rath, 52, works as an artist producing wooden carvings and large wooden totem poles – allegedly professing his pieces to be Indian produced’.

Its claimed Rath led collectors to believe they were purchasing authentic Native American carvings from him – when in fact his ancestry can be traced back to Mexico.

Federal agents claim they were told by buyers that Rath had described himself as ‘Apache, Mexican and Mayan’ and ‘Apache and Mayan’ – and had done so up to two dozen times.

Agents from the US Fish and Wildlife Service were told by Rath that ‘his birth mother told him he had some Indian bloodlines that may be Apache. However, he explained that he later discovered through DNA testing that he had Mayan ancestry from Mexico,’ the Daily Beast reports.

There’s no information if Rath is related to fellow ‘Indian’ Elizabeth Warren.

WHAT IDIOTS: Des Moines Register Endorses Elizabeth Warren For President Because She’s Truthful

The post Happy Thanksgiving from Arizona Fake ‘Apache’ Lewis Rath appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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