
Leaked HHS Memo Shows Biden Gang Plans to Disregard Religious Freedom Rights

The Biden gang is now working on destroying religious freedom.  This goes along with its terrible record on life and support for individual rights. 

Christian CBN News reports:

A leaked memo from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reveals plans by the Biden administration to make changes to Americans’ First Amendment rights and other religious liberty protections.

The internal memo describes plans to “sign delegation of authority on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and religion clause of the First Amendment” to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

The article continues:

The memo—penned by Lisa J. Pino, director of the OCR—does not deny there will be pushback if enacted.

“The action will likely be well-received among civil rights advocates and litigators, as well as groups advocating for the separation of church and state,” the memo reads.

“Groups who share the prior Administration’s broad view of the application of RFRA  or who will interpret this action as an indication that the Department is abdicating its responsibility for compliance with RFRA will likely issue strong negative reactions,” it continues. “This includes members of Congress who have been outspoken about OCR’s conscience and religious freedom activities and who have repeatedly asked questions about changes to OCR’s organizational structure and legal authorities.”

The memo recommends HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra sign the action as soon a possible.

It’s likely Becerra will do that.  His prior record shows he has no concerns for individual rights.

HHS Secretary Becerra: “It’s Absolutely the Government’s Business” to Know Which Americans Are Not Vaccinated (VIDEO)

Biden and his gang pretend that individual rights simply don’t exist.  

The post Leaked HHS Memo Shows Biden Gang Plans to Disregard Religious Freedom Rights appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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