
Mark Meadows to Cooperate with Sham January 6 Committee After Being Threatened with Criminal Contempt Charges by Liz Cheney

Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows is now cooperating with the sham January 6 committee after being threatened with criminal contempt charges by Liz Cheney.

“Mr. Meadows has been engaging with the Select Committee through his attorney. He has produced records to the committee and will soon appear for an initial deposition,” the committee said in a statement Tuesday. “The Select Committee expects all witnesses, including Mr. Meadows, to provide all information requested and that the Select Committee is lawfully entitled to receive. The committee will continue to assess his degree of compliance with our subpoena after the deposition.”

Earlier this month it was reported Reps Liz Cheney (RINO-WY) and Bennie Thompson (D-MS) were seeking criminal charges on Mark Meadows after he failed to appear before their sham January 6 Committee.

The Marxists on the January 6 Committee issued Meadows a subpoena because he was with Trump on January 6.

Meadows, like Bannon, defied the subpoena and was instructed by Trump to “respect long-standing principles of executive privilege.”

Meadows’ attorney George Terwilliger on Tuesday said they are working to reach an agreement where Meadows won’t be required to waive executive privilege.

“As we have from the beginning, we continue to work with the Select Committee and its staff to see if we can reach an accommodation that does not require Mr. Meadows to waive Executive Privilege or to forfeit the long-standing position that senior White House aides cannot be compelled to testify before Congress,” Meadows’ attorney George Terwilliger said in a statement Tuesday. “We appreciate the Select Committee’s openness to receiving voluntary responses on non-privileged topics.”

Serial liar Adam Schiff on Sunday put the pressure on Meadows to cooperate and said the select committee was probably going to move forward with criminal contempt charges this week.

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