
Pro Football Player J.J. Watt – a Waukesha Native – Offers to Pay All Funeral Costs for Victims of Christmas Parade Massacre

Pro football player J.J. Watt from the Arizona Cardinals offered to pay the funeral costs for the six victims of the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack.

J.J. Watt is a Waukesha native and plays defensive end for the Cardinals.

A sixth victim died on Tuesday following the horrific attack by an anti-Trump Black Lives Matter supporter at the annual Waukesha Christmas Parade.

Witnesses said on Tuesday that as the vehicle barrelled through the parade it picked up speed.

** 18 Children were injured and sent to hospitals in the demonic attack.
** 62 individuals were injured in total
** 6 have died including a child on Tuesday

8-year-old Jackson Sparks died in the hospital on Tuesday after the BLM driver’s assault on the Waukesha Parade.


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