
Senile Joe Biden Late Again – This Time John Kerry Has to Ad-Lib to Pass the Time

Joe Biden is late again.  This time John Kerry has to ad-lib in his absence. 

Joe Biden has a habit of being late and he did so again today in Scotland.  Actually, he’s always late.

Biden Claims He Was Late for G20 Meeting After “Playing with Elevators” – No One Believes Him

So it comes as no surprise that Biden was late again today at the Climate change circus in Scotland.  According to far-left US News and World Report:

U.S. President Joe Biden had a capable stand-in when he fell behind schedule at the U.N. climate conference.

U.S. climate envoy John Kerry tried to keep the program moving along when Biden didn’t show up on time for a Tuesday side event on reducing methane gas emissions..

Kerry, who served in the U.S. military, said the delay – and wait – reminded him of the Navy.

“We had a saying: Hurry up and wait,” he joked before returning to his seat.

The wait for Biden continued. When the president arrived, Kerry, a former U.S. senator and secretary of state, then went to the mic a second time to deliver a lengthier introduction.

“I’ll do what I learned to do in the Senate, which is filibuster,” Kerry said, referring to the practice of U.S. senators talking ad nauseum to delay votes.

No reason for Biden’s tardiness was supplied.

The post Senile Joe Biden Late Again – This Time John Kerry Has to Ad-Lib to Pass the Time appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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