
Shock Poll: Only 36 Percent of Democrat Voters Want 81 Million Vote Getter Joe Biden to Run for Reelection in 2024

A new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll shows only 36 percent of Democrat voters want Joe Biden, who reportedly received a record 81 million votes just a year ago, to run for reelection in 2024. In contrast, the poll shows 50 percent of Republican voters want President Trump to run for reelection in 2024. Biden’s approve/disapprove is underwater at 44/49.

Excerpts from the Marist Poll statement on the survey:

A majority of Americans (62%) say they will trust the results of the 2024 election even if the candidate they support loses, which includes 82% of Democrats but only one third of Republicans (33%). More than eight in ten (81%) Americans believe there is a “serious threat” to our democracy including 89% of Republicans, 80% of independents, and 79% of Democrats. But when asked which party presents the bigger threat, there’s a split: 42% say Democrats, 41% say Republicans, and 8% say both.

Overall, a majority of Americans (58%) have a “great deal” or “good amount” of trust that elections are fair but nearly four in ten (39%) do not believe this.

…While a majority of Americans (62%) believe Donald Trump continues to falsely say the 2020 election was rigged because he “doesn’t like the outcome,” fully 75% of Republicans say Trump has a legitimate claim that there were “real cases of fraud that changed the results.”

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is upside down. 44% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president, and 49% disapprove. This compares to 45% approve/46% disapprove in our October poll.

In the Congressional generic contest, Democrats edge out Republicans with 44% of registered voters saying they’ll choose a Democrat in their district and 41% choosing a Republican. In our September poll, Democrats had an 8 percentage point lead 46% – 38%.

Looking ahead to 2024, 36% of Democrats and Democratic leaning independents say their party will have a better chance winning the White House with Biden at the top of the ticket. 44% want someone else, and 20% are unsure.

In contrast, asked the same question about Trump, 50% of Republicans and GOP leaning independents say a Trump ticket has the best chance of recapturing the presidency. 35% want someone else, and 14% say they are unsure.

The poll asked many questions about trust in elections with most of the answers breaking down along party lines with independents about evenly split. That these questions are being polled a year after the election shows how deep the distrust is in the integrity of the nation’s elections.

Link to the 26 page PDF file of the poll results.

Breakdown of Democrats’ lack of support for a Biden candidacy in 2024. The best group supporting Biden in the poll is “non-white” Democrats but even they are split 43 for Biden and 43 for another Democrat.

The post Shock Poll: Only 36 Percent of Democrat Voters Want 81 Million Vote Getter Joe Biden to Run for Reelection in 2024 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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