
Virginia Not Only Wins Big Statewide Races, Its House Also Turns Red – Gains Seven Seats from Democrats

The state of Virginia is now officially red.  

Last night the state of Virginia kicked Biden’s insane policies and actions to the side and jumped on the MAGA movement.  Americans want leaders that love and support America, not leaders who hate this country and its people.

This was very clear in the Virginia results.  Not only did the Republicans in Virginia win the governor’s race, the AG race, and the lieutenant governor’s race, but they also won the House of Delegates.

BREAKING: Virginia Republicans Winning Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and AG Races – But We’ll See What Happens Overnight

The House of Delegates in Virginia also went red.  The Republicans carried all their seats and picked up 7 seats from the Democrats.  This gives them a 2 vote lead in the Virginia House.

This is the first time in decades since Virginia has a Republican House, Governor, AG, and Lieutenant Governor.  Let’s see what they do now for freedom.

The post Virginia Not Only Wins Big Statewide Races, Its House Also Turns Red – Gains Seven Seats from Democrats appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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