
Biden Heading Into 2022 With Just 36 Percent Approval

Just 36 percent of Americans approve of Joe Biden’s efforts in the White House.

A new poll from Civiqs, released on Sunday, found that 55 percent actively disapprove of his presidency so far.

Biden is polling even lower among those 18 to 34-years-old, with just 28 percent approval and 56 percent disapproval.

Americans 35 to 64 have Biden’s approval rating in the high 30s and respondents over 65 gave Biden just 41 percent approval.

When looking at the results by race, 29 percent of white voters approve of Biden’s performance, while 64 percent disapprove.

“Among black Americans, a key voting bloc for the Democrats’ intersectional coalition, Biden’s approval to disapproval numbers for the 18 to 34 age group are tied at 36 percent each, though he fares better with older black Americans,” Breitbart News reports. “Hispanic or Latino voters give the president 48 percent approval to 41 percent disapproval.”

Biden is doing better among women (40 percent approval) than men (31 percent approval).

Fox News reports that “Tony Fabrizio, the longtime Republican pollster who conducted surveys for Trump’s 2016 and 2020 campaigns, pointed to Biden’s ‘absolute collapse of support among independents, which were the backbone of his victory in ’20,’ as well as ‘the collapse among Hispanic voters.'”

The poll surveyed 144,126 registered voters from January 20 to December 25.


The post Biden Heading Into 2022 With Just 36 Percent Approval appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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