
Finally, A Promising Covid Vaccine for Pro-Lifers

Guest post by Bill Hennessey on Substack.

Novavax is proving more effective than Moderna, J&J, or Pfizer with less reliance on aborted cells and no gene therapy

There are four valid reasons to refuse the Covid vaccines:

  1. Safety concerns in the absence of long-term testing.
  2. Effectiveness concerns with 10-week retreatment requirements.
  3. Moral concerns over vaccines developed using dead babies.
  4. You don’t want one.

All four are totally valid and unquestionable. In a decent society governed first by natural law, people who reject any of those valid reasons would be the ones ostracized. But our society is highly disordered. Strangers and family alike feel they have the right to tell you to undergo genetic modification for their pleasure. It’s disgusting.

But two of those valid concerns could soon disappear if the FDA approves the Noravax vaccine.

Novavax was not developed using body parts of aborted babies. (Though, like all other vaccines currently available, Novavax is tainted with tests that involve fetal cells.) Plus, it’s 90 percent effective against all strains of SARS-COV-2 including omicron and delta. Further, it’s an actual vaccine that uses a weakened form of the virus, so it’s likely much safer than the genetic mutation serums from Moderna, Pfizer, and Astra-Zeneca. And, unlike all other available serums, Novavax reduces viral replication, reducing spread of the virus. Here’s more from Crisis Magazine:

Recently, the Lozier Institute learned that Sanofi-GSK used abortion-derived HEK293T cells to produce pseudovirus in some of their confirmatory lab tests.  This was also the case for the Inovio and Novavax vaccine candidates mentioned in the article, the latter of which was reported this week to be close to seeking FDA approval.   While none of those three vaccines used abortion-derived cell lines in the design, development or production of their vaccines they did wind-up “abortion-tainting” their vaccines in the confirmatory lab tests. There are currently no vaccine candidates in the United States without some link to abortion-derived cell lines.1

While this post is about a specific vaccine and not an investigation into the morality of vaccines that benefited from the murder of an innocent, I encourage you to read this article, also from Crisis Magazine, exploring the moral issue in deeper detail.2

That means vaccine holdouts like me might soon lose one to three of our valid excuses. From Verywellhealth.com:

Novavax is a Maryland-based biotechnology firm. It’s taking a traditional approach to developing a vaccine against the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The company began a Phase 3 trial of its vaccine candidate, NVX‑CoV2373, in the United Kingdom in September. This was followed by a second Phase 3 trial in the United States and Mexico in December. These two late-stage trials enrolled a total of almost 45,000 people.3

And Noravax effectiveness is way better than the competition:

The company announced the vaccine was 90% effective overall in the Phase 3 trials. And it was 100% effective against moderate and severe disease.

Keep in mind that these results were self-reported, and pharmaceutical companies are well known for lying and falsifying clinical trial results. They can’t be trusted. But even if the Noravax vaccine is 50 percent effective, it’s miles ahead of the competition. Plus, even those with religious objections to drugs tainted by abortion can take the Noravax vaccine with a clear conscience.

Now for the bad news.

First, the FDA could succumb to pressure from Blackrock, which owns Pfizer and Moderna, and ban this pro-life vaccine in the United States. I think it’s a safe bet to say the FDA will refuse to approve Noravax.

Second, Noravax, like all new vaccines, could have long-term side effects that are worse than just getting over the omicron variant.

Nonetheless, availability of a (I hate to say this) minimally tainted vaccine that does not operate through genetic mutation and actually works as advertised would be a welcome addition to the available options.

Finally, remember that “I don’t want it” remains a valid excuse.

1  Trotta, Frank. Are Abortion-free COVID-19 Vaccines on their Way? Crisis Mazine, June 2021 at https://ift.tt/2U5XYUY
2  Sammons, Eric. Abortion-Tainted Vaccines: From Objection to Obligation, Crisis Magazine, April 2021 at https://ift.tt/3eyMal6
3  Zimlich, Rachel. An Overview of the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, VeryWellhealth, June 2021 at https://ift.tt/33WDdje


The post Finally, A Promising Covid Vaccine for Pro-Lifers appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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