
Mayor of San Antonio, Ron Nirenberg, Is Following the Marxist Playbook to Transform Alamo City

Guest post by Bob Bishop

Alamo City is being transformed into a Marxist nightmare led by a mayor with connections to Bill Ayers.

With the focus on Washington D.C., the general public is uninformed about how extremists are taking control of our cities. Marxist politicians and mandarins in alliance with a network of radical organizations, including the U.N., are seizing historic and picturesque San Antonio. This is the dystopian master plan for your city.

The two-term Mayor, Ron Nirenberg, is a former program director of the subversive Annenberg Foundation before transplanting to San Antonio. The Foundation bankrolled domestic terrorist Bill Ayers.

Nirenberg is the city council’s tip of the spear. His supporting left-of-center cast moved to the ultra-left with three new councilpersons possessed with Marxist messianic zeal.

The following are a sampler of deplorable conduct by Mayor Nirenberg and the City Council.

  • The Council passed a mandate for the Paris Climate Accord targeting net-zero emissions.
  • The City removed the 63-year-old Christopher Columbus Statue in a city park.
  • Ten of the eleven City Council genuflected and saluted with clenched fists in solidarity with BLM at City Hall.
  • The Mayor marched in unity with BLM demonstrators. Later he addressed the BLM demonstration “Hold me accountable for it because I’m the mayor of this god damn city and we’re gonna make change together.”
  • The City created a Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Department is a trailblazing pioneer in implementing, the first of its kind, Equity Maps assigning equity scores by city census tracts. Census tracts can earn a high score based on the higher percentage of people of color, Spanish as a first language, high illiteracy, and below-median household income. Census tracts with high scores prioritize resource allocations—a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment and Article 1 of the Texas Constitution.
  • During the 2022 bond hearings, Nirenberg remarked, “We wouldn’t be able to correct 40 years, 50 years, 75 years of inequity….our goal is to move deliberately in this community towards equity anytime we allocate a resource.” The Mayor’s warped equity lens (Identity Marxism) targets the City’s 23% non-Hispanic white minority population.

Equity Dog-Whistle

The National Equity Atlas is a partnership between the radical PolicyLink and the USC Equity Research Institution ultra-left think-tank providing cities with local demographic data tools. The tools and strategies equip cities in advancing equity justice policies. Marxist term “equity” is not found in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It is a euphemism for resource redistribution and reparations advocated by PolicyLink.

PolicyLink is deep-rooted in the City of San Antonio. In collaboration with National Equity Atlas, PolicyLink advises San Antonio to use equity scoring to drive differentiation into policy and budget decision-making. PolicyLink previously employed the City’s former Chief Equity Officer. Also, the City hosted the launch of PolicyLink’s inaugural All-In Cities Chief Equity Officers Policy Network to embed racial equity into public policy.

Race-Conscious Programming

The Local and Regional Government Alliance on Race and Equity (GARE) is a pseudo-national organization that provides resources and workshops on racial equity. GARE has never legally organized, requiring the 350+ municipal governments to remit millions in membership dues (tribute?) to the radical Race Forward. The lack of GARE financial disclosures raises the issue of how the funds were used.

Source: Race Forward Facebook

San Antonio, a GARE member, engaged GARE to work with the City’s departments piloting a racial curriculum and an equity tool for race-conscious programming. The indoctrination engenders prejudice.

Urbanization Stratagems

The “International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives” to mask foreign influence over American local governments rebranded to “ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability.”  ICLEI (pronounced ick-ly) is an U.N. sanctioned non-government organization (aka NGO) that helped write Agenda 21.

The international NGO provides training and the tools for cities and counties in carrying out the local goals of U.N. Agenda 21. Over 600 U.S. municipalities are network members, including San Antonio, funded by your tax dollars. ICLE USA, domiciled in Denver, violated Colorado law by not registering as a non-profit organization.

ICLEI promotes high-density urban development. ICLEI member cities use their general funds and infrastructure bonds for funding intercity and downtown projects depriving lower-density residential areas of infrastructure improvements and maintenance. ICLEI’s tactics, circumventing taxpayer approval, include redevelopment financing zones, eminent domain, conservation easements, habitat conservation, and strict zoning regulations. Ordinances eroding personal property rights.

“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” -Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI.

San Antonio followed the ICLEI blueprint launching the Office of Sustainability and adopting the UN’s sustainability motto of Environment. Economy. Equity. The department helped devise the 2022 bond infrastructure program with vertical integration centered in downtown, linear park trails, and public housing.

U.N. Agenda 21 Isn’t a Conspiracy Theory

Agenda 21 is an international action program for achieving sustainable development during the 21st century. Governments would control all land use for the “community’s good” while eliminating private property owners’ rights. The goal is to restrict human habitation to government-controlled centralized zones. However, “collectivism” is not entitled to individual rights protected under the U.S. Constitution.

The U.N.’s Culture in the Implementation of 2030 Agenda report addresses sustainable development goals (SDGs). Agenda 2030 is known as The Implementation Decade. The report’s theme is “culture should be at the heart of the response, as a crucial, needed force.” Referenced throughout are San Antonio’s SDG program achievements. The City is developing an SDG assessment toolkit to assist other U.S. cities.

Is there a cure for Stage IV Marxism?

Stage 4 Marxism is challenging to cure because it has metastasized in local government bureaucracies and the body politic. One promising treatment is civil rights lawsuits in federal and state courts for Constitutional violations. Another approach is historic high voter turnouts in marginalized enclaves.

Nationwide the transformation is well underway, trashing the rule of law and property rights. Don’t let your city be like the Alamo City; it’s up to you; there isn’t a Die Hard John McClane coming to rescue your city.

Bob Bishop is a retired corporate CPA.

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