
PART 4: – As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin’s Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim ‘Trump Insurrection’

They knew what they were looking for.  Information from the Deep State dossier created by Don Berlin that was presented to President Trump right before Jan 6, was leaked to the media as soon as Mark Meadows provided it to the Jan 6 Committee in December 2020 per the committee’s subpoena.

We reported yesterday how Deep State operative Don Berlin created a bogus dossier and presented it to President Trump related to the 2020 Election a few days before his rally on January 6th at the Capitol.  (Parts 1 and 2 in this series are also linked to in this article.)

PART 3: WE CAUGHT THEM: Deep State Operative Don Berlin Presented Bogus Election Dossier to President Trump Before 1-6, Now Jan 6 Committee is Using This to Claim Insurrection and Take Down President Trump

Information from this bogus dossier was then summarized and provided to a group of individuals in the Trump White House, including the President’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows.  CNN reported on December 9th that President Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows provided documents to the Jan 6 Committee.

Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows provided the House select committee investigating the January 6 riot with text messages and emails that show he was “exchanging with a wide range of individuals while the attack was underway,” according to a source with knowledge of the communications.

The messages on Meadows’ personal cell phone and email account, which were voluntarily handed over without any claim of executive privilege, relate to “what Donald Trump was doing and not doing during the riot,” the source added.

These communications offer a window into what people were texting to Meadows on January 6, what he was telling them about Trump in real time, and what the former President was doing for those hours while the Capitol was under attack and rioters were chanting “Hang Mike Pence,” according to the source.

The far-left Rolling Stone website reported on a PowerPoint presentation included in Meadows’ emails provided to the Jan 6 Committee on December 9th as well.

The House Select Committee to Investigate the Jan. 6 Attack on the Capitol has obtained a trove of electronic messages from former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, including an email referring to a PowerPoint suggesting Trump could declare a national security emergency in order to delay the certification of the results of the 2020 election.

The revelation is the latest indication that Trump and his inner circle, including his allies in Congress, were very actively and very aggressively trying to overturn the results of the election, which Trump lost handily.

The PowerPoint presentation, which spanned 38 pages and was titled “Election fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN,” was part of an email sent on Jan. 5, the day before the attack on the Capitol. The email pertained to a briefing that was to be provided “on the hill.” Hugo Lowell of The Guardian tweeted slides from the presentation on Thursday detailing a conspiracy theory-laden plan for Vice President Pence to install Republican electors in states “where fraud occurred,” and for Trump to declare a national emergency and for all electronic voting to be rendered invalid, citing foreign “control” of electronic voting systems.

The Deep State’s favorite Mainstream Media outlet, the New York Times, the Deep State’s choice for dropping garbage hit pieces on President Trump, reported on the bogus PowerPoint presentation on December 10th:

Mark Meadows’s lawyer said the former White House chief of staff did not act on the document, which recommended that President Donald J. Trump declare a national emergency to keep himself in power.

This same news story was then reported at the Boston Globe later that day:

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol is scrutinizing a 38-page PowerPoint document filled with extreme plans to overturn the 2020 election that Mark Meadows, the last chief of staff to President Donald Trump, has turned over to the panel.

The document recommended that Trump declare a national emergency to delay the certification of the election results and included a claim that China and Venezuela had obtained control over the voting infrastructure in a majority of states.

A lawyer for Meadows, George J. Terwilliger III, said Friday that Meadows provided the document to the committee because he merely received it by email in his inbox and did nothing with it.

 “We produced the document because it wasn’t privileged,” Terwilliger said.

Phil Waldron, a retired Army colonel and an influential voice in the movement to challenge the election, said Friday from a bar he owns outside Austin, Texas, that he had circulated the document — titled “Election Fraud, Foreign Interference & Options for 6 JAN” — among Trump’s allies and on Capitol Hill before the attack. Waldron said that he did not personally send the document to Meadows, but that it was possible someone on his team had passed it along to the former chief of staff.

This leaves us with more questions:

  1. How did the Jan 6 Committee know to obtain this memo from Mark Meadows?
  2. Why was this leaked so fast after being obtained by the Jan 6 Committee?
  3. Who on the Committee leaked this PowerPoint presentation?
  4. How many more Deep State set up’s took place against President Trump?

The longer the Deep State lives, the more America dies.

The post PART 4: – As Soon as Jan 6 Committee Obtained Deep State Operative Don Berlin’s Bogus Election Dossier Claims, They Were Leaked to the Mainstream Media to Claim ‘Trump Insurrection’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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