
ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: Las Vegas Sheriff Finds No Fraud in 2020 Vote, But Now Seeks President Trump’s Endorsement in Governor Bid?

Guest post by Roger Stone

Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo insists that there is no evidence of election fraud in Nevada’s 2020 election.

Lombardo’s “go easy” policies on illegal immigrants as well as his botched investigation of the Las Vegas shooting make Lombardo an unlikely Republican nominee of Governor for Nevada, but Nevada Republican State Chairman Michael McDonald, normally a solid guy, is pushing former President Donald Trump to endorse the controversial Clark County Sheriff for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2022.

Let us expand on where Lombardo stands in the 2020 election. Lombardo has gone on record repeatedly saying he hasn’t seen any evidence that the 2020 election was stolen or fraudulent in any manner, which means he is as blind as a bat or has been watching far too much CNN.

Lombardo in July told the RGJ he didn’t know if the results of November’s election were accurate but insisted that he has seen no evidence of voter fraud in Nevada. He hasn’t changed his mind since then, though he said Joe Biden is the duly elected president and that the election was not stolen.

“No evidence has been brought forward to me to change my opinion,” Lombardo added. “I don’t think anybody knows. If there’s a perception there was fraud or the election was stolen … bring the evidence forward. But I haven’t seen that.

That’s not the worst of it! “Sanctuary Joe” as he is called in Las Vegas has been soft on illegal immigrants in the largest city in Nevada.  His record of securing Clark County from violent MS13 criminals and illegal aliens is just as egregious. The Mexican gangs were allowed to infest Las Vegas and Clark County under Lombardo’s watch. In 2019, during the Trump administration, Sheriff Joe Lombardo caved to Democrat open-borders, anti-ICE immigration activists and made the decision to withdraw the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department from the 287g immigration program, which allowed LVMPD police officers to coordinate with federal immigration officers from ICE. This resulted in many dangerous illegal aliens being re-released back into the public.

ICE’s deputy field office director in Las Vegas, Dana L. Fishburn, argued that severing the tie “will make Clark County residents less safe. Clark County’s decision to suspend its 287g program will only benefit criminals,” Fishburn said in a statement. Lombardo cut ties with ICE anyway.

A 2018 expose revealed that Sheriff Lombardo ordered LVMPD officers to cover up and stay silent about a string of very violent MS13 gang murders in Las Vegas. LVMPD had determined that members of the murderous MS-13 gang were responsible for at least 10 barbarous murders in Las Vegas and that most of these bodies have been found scattered throughout the mountains of Las Vegas, and popular tourist destinations such as Lake Mead, making the site a mafia equivalent “East River” dumping ground for MS13.

Lombardo also ended the ability of LVMPD police officers to enforce immigration detainers. ICE has long argued that the program Lombardo eliminated had helped keep violent criminals off the streets because detainers allow police to transfer illegal immigrants who are arrested from local to federal custody in the safe, controlled environment of jail, rather than in the community.

Lombardo eliminated this process and his actions made Las Vegas more unsafe. If he couldn’t keep Clark County safe as Sheriff, he certainly wouldn’t be capable or qualified at keeping the entire state of Nevada safe, given that Nevada is near the highly porous Southern border.

It is estimated that 7 percent of Nevada’s population is undocumented, or about 210,000 individuals. Under Sheriff Joe Lombardo Las Vegas has become a “sanctuary city” for violent illegals.

Lombardo also either botched the investigation of the Las Vegas shooting in the fall of 2017 or as part of an FBI-ordered cover-up. Lombardo worked with the FBI to keep the public in the dark about the worst mass shooting in United States history.

Numerous media outlets had to sue the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department under his leadership because the department violated basic press freedoms. They refused to release the surveillance tapes, investigation documents, and other crucial evidence pertaining to the shooting.

Lombardo also got caught with his pants down during a live TV press conference with the FBI, where he lied about the timeline of the Las Vegas shooting with FBI special agent Aaron Rouse, a crooked cop who was appointed by none other than James Comey to head up the Las Vegas division of the FBI. Sheriff Lombardo not only regurgitated lie after lie, provided to him by the FBI, but he also chose to heap praise upon Comey’s lackey during his time as Sheriff.

Lombardo, in his role as sheriff, and the FBI wants us to believe that Stephen Paddock was solely responsible for Las Vegas shootings on October 1, 2017, and that Stephen killed himself by shooting himself with an automatic weapon with a bump stock attached; difficult if not impossible. It also ignores substantial evidence that multiple people had access to Paddock’s suite prior to his deadly shootings spree.

These failures of leadership led the Clark County Republican Central Committee to hold a vote in November of 2019, where they agreed to no longer support Sheriff Joe Lombardo, pointing to his history of negligence and corruption. Now Lombardo wants to be the Republican candidate for Governor!

For Lombardo to be privately seeking, and openly bragging about an imminent endorsement from President Donald J. Trump, tells us everything we need to know about Joe Lombardo. As the Democrats were robbing President Trump blind, through widespread mail-in and absentee voter fraud, Sheriff Lombardo did nothing and has spent the past year defending the fraudulent election results.

Still, other prominent Nevada Republicans are pushing the gubernatorial candidacy of North Las Vegas Mayor John Lee, but the fact that Lee is still under investigation for child pornography makes his candidacy DOA.

Fortunately for President Trump and the Nevada Republican Party, there is a natural “Nevada First” candidate for Governor. Michele Fiore is a Las Vegas City Councilwoman and former Nevada State Representative, who was an early supporter of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign.

As President Trump’s leading and most vocal supporter in the state, Fiore was treated to an early morning FBI raid of her home. Reminiscent of the FBI’s early-morning takedown of Roger Stone and their recent raid on Project Veritas Journalist James O’Keefe, and based on unsubstantiated allegations of the use of campaign funds for personal use lodged by a disgruntled former employee but lacking any evidence or proof to support them.

I met Michele Fiore when she was serving in the Nevada State House and was a leading critic of Barrack Obama’s Bureau of Land Management and the conduct of Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo in the U.S. BLM assault on the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy. It was Fiore who persuaded me, on the basis of all of the evidence of government misconduct, to recommend Cliven Bundy and the other ranchers prosecuted be granted a formal pardon from President Donald J. Trump. In the end, the pardon would be unnecessary when the government’s web of corruption involving the Bundy raid and prosecution collapsed under its own weight.

If  President Trump endorses any candidate for Governor of Nevada it should be a long-time Trump supporter and conservative warrior Michele Fiori.

The post ROGER STONE EXCLUSIVE: Las Vegas Sheriff Finds No Fraud in 2020 Vote, But Now Seeks President Trump’s Endorsement in Governor Bid? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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