
19 Conservative Lawmakers Slammed By House Republicans For Demanding DC Ditch Indoor Vaccine Mandate

Another blue-run city is under siege by Democrats Nazis.

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser’s vaccine passport mandate will take effect on Saturday, making it virtually impossible to leave your house without full vaccination compliance.

“On January 15, 2022, per Mayor’s Order 2021-148, the District of Columbia will adopt a city-wide vaccination entry requirement that requires COVID-19 vaccination to enter indoor facilities within the city.”

Children 12 years and older are required to provide proof that they have received one dose of a Covid shot, but after February 15 they must be “fully” vaccinated to walk into any indoor facility.

D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser speaks during the Women’s March on Saturday, Jan. 21, 2017 in Washington

“Beginning on January 15, 2022, businesses shall display prominently, visible to patrons prior to entry, a notice informing patrons that proof of vaccination is required to enter any indoor portion of a covered location,”per Mayor’s Order 2021-148.

According to VaxDC:

One of the following options will demonstrate proof of vaccination:

  • A physical Center for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccination Card
  • A digital copy/photo of a CDC Vaccination Card
  • A COVID-19 Verification App such as VaxYes or CLEAR


Just nineteen out of 213 House Republicans are demanding Bowser rescind the vaccination requirement before it goes into effect.

The group of GOP lawmakers, led by the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, Rep. James Comer and the ranking Republican on the panel’s Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight, Rep, Ralph Norman, warn the health pass order  “will be ineffective at stopping viral spread while imposing significant costs to the District, its residents, its economy, and Americans across the nation who wish to visit their capital. ”

“We write to express our concern about the vaccine mandate you issued requiring proof of coronavirus vaccination for entry into most indoor premises in the District of Columbia. Like the Democrat lockdowns of 2020, the latest left-wing vaccine passport fad will not prevent the virus from spreading. This sweeping mandate, however, will harm the District’s economic recovery and lock many Americans out of their capital city. We urge you to withdraw the Order,” the group of Republican lawmakers wrote in a January 10 letter to Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser.

“This is another draconian measure against children—a group that has unfairly suffered at the hands of liberal educators and the institutions they serve throughout this pandemic. In particular, school groups visiting D.C. will be prohibited from taking advantage of our nation’s treasures.

“By requiring anyone over the age of twelve to present proof of vaccination to enter most indoor establishments in the District, students who are not vaccinated will be prohibited from eating at restaurants, meeting indoors for conferences, enjoying entertainment venues, and more. All Americans, especially our youth, should be welcomed to the District, but your sweeping mandate locks them out of their capital city.”

Rep. Bob Good, R-VA, a member of the Freedom Caucus, is urging his colleagues to boycott the 70-year-old Capitol Hill Club, a venue where GOP government officials, lawmakers, staffers and lobbyists frequently dine, to protest the indoor mandate.

Rep. Eleanor Holmes, a Democrat and DC’s lone delegate blasted the minority who Republicans for working to stop the passport requirement, arguing that they are only trying to “control how the District of Columbia governs itself,” Business Insider reports.

“The mayor would not try to harm our own restaurants and bars unless she had to,” the congresswoman told the publication. “This ought to be seen as the District willing to enact penalties on itself, recognizing how serious this virus has become in the capital and this entire region …”

Most Republicans, including Rep. Ken Calvert, R-Calif., and Jeff Duncan, R-SC, are siding with Bowser and the Democrats on the fascistic health pass order and insisting Good’s plan to boycott is “illogical,” The Hill reports:

“For some, there’s a mentality of ‘burn the house down,’” said one GOP member who heard the debate in the meeting Tuesday. “The majority of the conference was in the camp of you need to protect the club.”

A second GOP lawmaker who also heard the debate inside the conference also agreed with the board members, and called Good’s idea of a boycott illogical.

“He can always just drop his membership,” the second GOP lawmaker said. “I hear the Democratic Club is hurting for new members and worried about how they will keep their doors open next January.”

“For some, there’s a mentality of ‘burn the house down,’” said one GOP member who heard the debate in the meeting Tuesday. “The majority of the conference was in the camp of you need to protect the club.”

Good slammed his complicit colleagues for capitulating with Democrats, warning Republicans who refuse to push back against the vaccine mandates are “DC insiders” and can’t be trusted.

“My constituents want to know that I am fighting vaccine mandates at every level. In an attempt to paint me in a bad light with the political elites and donor class in Washington, the anonymous leaker inadvertently revealed that some DC insiders are encouraging compliance with mandates, while they claim to their constituents back home that they are here in DC fighting for healthcare freedom,” the Virginia Republican said in a statement.

“While I don’t leak to the press what my colleagues say in these closed-door Republican meetings, I’m not afraid to say publicly that we should stand up and say ‘no’ to Mayor Bowser’s vaccine passports, refuses to comply, and also remind her that Congress ultimately must approve the DC budget,” he continued. “I must also say that I admire the courage of my fellow members who provide anonymous quotes to the press.”

While patriots look to their elected officials to block the federal intrusion of their health, nearly half of House Republicans support the Democrat assault on medical autonomy.

In December, 80 House Republicans voted with Democrats to pass  H. R. 550, the Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act, which would fund a federal vaccination database if passed by the Senate.

The measure authorizes the government to provide $400 million in taxpayer dollars to expand the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Department and federal government’s ability toto record and collect confidential vaccination information and contract trace.

On January 23, thousands of Americans are slated to attend a protest against Covid-19 mandates in Washington, DC at the “Defeat The Mandates, An American Homecoming” rally.

Conservatives intent on protesting government policies in the nation’s Capitol are already wary about gathering to demonstrate after January 6 and the vaccine passport requirement makes holding corrupt lawmakers accountable even more burdensome.

Without showing proof of Covid inoculation, the scores of demonstrators who ascend in DC to defend the Constitution in frigid winter weather will all be barred from buying food, going to bars, and virtually every indoor venue.

The post 19 Conservative Lawmakers Slammed By House Republicans For Demanding DC Ditch Indoor Vaccine Mandate appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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