
Dr. Robert Malone Posts Irrefutable Proof on Ivermectin and the Uttar Pradesh India Success Story

The Gateway Pundit was one of the first to report on the massive success in the Uttar Pradesh province in India in treating the COVID-19 virus with Ivermectin.

Our first post that went viral was back in September.

HUGE: Uttar Pradesh, India Announces State Is COVID-19 Free Proving the Effectiveness of “Deworming Drug” IVERMECTIN

We followed up on this post several times since then.

UPDATE: 71 out of 75 Districts in Uttar Pradesh, India – Its Most Populated State – Reported No Covid-19 Cases in 24 Hours After Implementing Ivermectin Protocol

On Sunday Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine posted on the Uttar Pradesh and Ivermectin success story.

Here’s the inconvenient truth.  The Federal Government’s Department of Health and Human Services of the United States of America has developed an atrocious track record during the many waves of COVID-19 disease which have swept across the country.  As if it were not bad enough that the evidence implicates Dr. Anthony Fauci and his minions as having created the pathogen SARS-CoV-2 in a biodefense strategy that would make Rube Goldberg’s Professor Butts proud, the United States is listed by Worldometers as having the most deaths attributed to the disease in the entire world.


If adjusted for mortality as a function of population (total cases per 1M population), the US ranks 19th out of 234 nations (2,614 deaths/1 million).  In  contrast, India comes in at 130 out of 234 with 347 deaths/1 million.  The overall world average for deaths/million population is 712.

What public policies are responsible for this amazing difference in outcomes?

The curious case of the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh is often sited. Densely populated, relatively poor, and they have absolutely crushed the COVID-19 death curve.  Widespread availability of a package distributed throughout the region, rumored to contain the repurposed drug Ivermectin, have often been credited for this amazing success.  But until now, these rumors have remained unsubstantiated.

As I mentioned recently on the Fox segment in response to the unprovoked attack by Mr. Berenson, a close colleague of mine recently returned from a vacation in the region.  Prompted by my specific request that she seek out evidence of the contents of these “care packages” which have been made available throughout the region, she returned with the following photograph of the list of ingredients.  As is often observed, a picture is worth a thousand words.

So, without further ado, I am glad to finally be able to provide photographic evidence of what is responsible for the miracle of Uttar Pradesh.  I have nothing more to add, other than that an apology is owed (By Mr. Berenson and many others) to the many brave physicians who have persisted, against enormous coordinated media and governmental pressure, to prescribe this agent as a key component of the staged early treatment protocols responsible for saving countless lives across the USA and the world.

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