
“Speaker Vos and the Legislative Body Have Ignored the Voice and Will of the People” – GOP County Leaders Call on Speaker Vos to Resign

Enough is enough.
After months of ignoring the will of the people of Wisconsin over the obviously fraudulent 2020 election, the people of Wisconsin have had enough.

The Republican leadership in Iowa County Wisconsin released a statement this week calling on Speaker Robin Vos to step down as Speaker of the Wisconsin Assembly.

The GOP leaders are fed up with his complete failure to listen to the will of the voters.

Representative Ramthun’s proactive engagement on this issue has also brought to light another issue of perhaps even greater concern. This is the complete failure by the current leadership to listen to the voice of the people. Speaker Vos and the legislative body have ignored the voice and will of their constituents.

There have been many, indeed, thousands of letters, phone calls, affidavits, resolutions, public statements conveyed to Speaker Vos in the last year that all, in one way or another, made the will of the people very clear:

a) A thorough, complete, and transparent cyber and kinematic audit of our elections.
b) Corrective action taken regarding our elections process to ensure that all future elections
are free and fair for all Wisconsin voters and election laws are followed.
c) Lastly, that those who committed crimes be prosecuted and that any statement or
certification that was, once reviewed, deemed to be fraudulent be annulled.

The GOP members then call on Speaker Vos to resign.

This committee hereby also calls upon Representative Vos to step down from his role as the Speaker of the Assembly as he has, in effect, guaranteed that any number of incumbent Republican assemblymen will lose their seat. Perhaps a step of this drastic nature will be able to demonstrate that the Republican Party of Wisconsin is now willing to listen to the voice of their own constituents.

Here is the full statement by the Iowa County GOP leaders.

The post “Speaker Vos and the Legislative Body Have Ignored the Voice and Will of the People” – GOP County Leaders Call on Speaker Vos to Resign appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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