
Combat Veteran Criminally Prosecuted in DC Federal Court After Picking Up Trash Inside US Capitol and Asking Police How He Can Help (VIDEO) – Please Help Donate

A decorated combat veteran – who received numerous medals and awards, including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat – is being criminally prosecuted in DC federal court for his role in the January 6 protest.

In a viral video, Chris Kuehne and some patriots were seen picking up trash inside the US Capitol after two trash cans were tipped over.  It should be noted that not a single statue was toppled, not a single painting was damaged, not a single arsonist attack took place.  That’s why the Capitol Police and Biden Justice Department will not release the full 14,000 hours of security camera footage from that day.

Please support retired Combat Veteran Christopher Kuehne in his fight for freedom and against political persecution. Click here.

Chris Kuehne’s wife, Annette who suffered a miscarriage a day after the FBI raided their home, reached out to The Gateway Pundit to share Chris’s account of what happened on January 6. Read the excerpt below:

My name is Annette; my husband, Chris Kuehne, was at the Capitol on J6 and is being politically persecuted by our government. Chris is being represented in the criminal case by Marina Medvin. We recently received a civil suit on December 29, 2021. So now we have to hire an additional attorney.

Therefore, I need help to raise funds for an additional attorney. There are very few outlets that are even discussing anything related to J6, and The Gateway Pundit has been investigating J6 and trying to get the truth from the beginning.

Chris is a combat veteran who was sent by our government to fight wars in foreign lands and now our very government is trying to fight him.

Tomorrow, February 11, 2022, marks the one-year anniversary since our home was surrounded and raided by the FBI.  It was a shocking experience to say the least, however I tried to maintain a calm composure for our 4-year-old son.  There are so many details between February 11th and February 12th, 2021, that I don’t know what would be interesting to you.
This has been such a traumatic experience. For the past year I have had nightmares and wake up in a panic touching my bed and clothing thinking that I wet the bed only to realize that it’s just sweat and sometimes I wake-up feeling paralyzed in fear among many other experiences associated with trauma.

Although, humiliating I don’t think the American public understands the trauma this has brought to the families who going through this with their loved one. There are two different experiences. Chris’ experience is completely different from mine.

You can read his story and donate at www.chriskuehne.com and below:

A message from Annette Kuehne, Chris’s wife…

Christopher Kuehne, is being criminally prosecuted in DC federal court for his role in the January 6 protest that made its way into the Capitol. He is facing substantial jail time and is fighting hard to vindicate himself against a government that is deeply politicized against him. Chris has pleaded Not Guilty to all of the charges.

As was presented at Chris’ detention hearing, Chris did not hurt any anyone and did not come to DC to commit any offenses. Chris was intending on protecting Trump supporters with families from potential Antifa attacks. He went inside the Capitol but did not cause any harm or damage – in fact he cleaned trash off the floor, helped to stop theft of government property, asked people to leave the building, and went up to Capitol Police Officers to ask how he could help. Chris was released on his own recognizance as a result.

More recently, and out of nowhere, the DC attorney general, served Chris with a civil lawsuit for the same conduct that occurred on January 6 — while the criminal case is still pending. This lawsuit is cruel and is aimed to destroy our family. We are now forced to hire an additional attorney.

For reference, the DC AG never sued BLM or any of their participants for setting parts of the city on fire during the BLM riots of 2020. Nor did the DC AG sue the Trump inauguration “Resist” rioters, who violently attacked the city and then bragged about all of their criminal charges being dismissed.

Who is Chris…

Chris is a man that deeply loves God, his Country and his family! He is a decorated combat veteran who has received numerous medals and awards including the Purple Heart, a Navy Commendation Medal with Valor, and a Navy and Marine Corp Achievement Medal with Valor for actions in combat. Chris has personally sacrificed his blood, sweat, and tears serving our country and has paid the price for his duty and continues to live with debilitating and invisible injuries. Even before this Chris has protected people and helped people in need. As a 9-year-old Cub Scout he was awarded the Boy Scouts of America’s highest honor, the Medal of Merit, for saving his young sister from a burning car.

Please support retired Combat Veteran Christopher Kuehne in his fight for freedom and against political persecution. Click here.

My Story…

This has been a trying time for my family and I, but we have trusted in the Lord at every step, and always given him the praise and glory. With the Lords help and all his children we will continue to fight, we will win and the truth, the whole truth, will come to light. Just as Chris is going through this we are as well. This has impacted our family very hard, but as Chris’s wife I have to be strong.

In the early morning of February 11, 2021 Chris, our four-year-old child, and I (pregnant at the time) were awakened to sirens, cell phone rings, and bursts of colorful lights reflecting through our windows. The FBI instructed Chris to come outside immediately. Our 4-year-old was awakened from the chaos, and I picked him up and ran downstairs to open the front door. Our house, street and neighboring streets were completely surrounded by armed FBI and law enforcement. It was a scene that we see so many times in the movies, but now it was here at my house! There were three large armored tactical vehicles parked on my front, side and back yard, and police vehicles that extended throughout the entire community. I open the door, and for a second, I didn’t realize that there were about twenty FBI SWAT Team members with semi-automatic rifles pointed at my son and I. We were covered by the bright red lasers pointed at our faces, chests, and various points on our bodies.

The temperature on that morning was approximately 9 degrees with a high for the day of 12 degrees. With snow on the ground, our 4-year-old is crying and with guns drawn FBI SWAT storm through as I carried my son barefoot in the cold. Hours later, after the FBI left our home, I found myself on the phone calling anyone I could think of for help. Neighbors contacted me to ask if I needed anything, as I was in shock from what just happened. I didn’t realize what else was happening, as if this isn’t enough.

The following day, I went to the hospital because I was feeling a sharp pain in my abdomen and bleeding. While in the doctor’s office, a nurse came into the room and told me that I need to have emergency surgery or I will bleed to death. She then escorted me to the emergency department. I lost my baby.

To make matters worse, there was no way I could contact Chris at home to notify him of what was happening (all electronics were seized). I contacted a neighbor to inform Chris that I would be in immediate emergency surgery. I later found out that when our neighbor told Chris what was happening, he just broke down and cried uncontrollably with no way to go to, help, and comfort me.

We are limited by what we can say right now, but eventually hope that we will be able to tell our side of the story and bring to light the injustices, persecution, and trauma that we have endured.

One of the hardest things for me to do is ask for help, but this is enormous and no one person can do this alone! From warfare to lawfare, the difference is we need your help! We need financial support in raising funds to hire a civil defense lawyer to help Chris fight the DC AG in court and continue our battle to prove his innocence in criminal court. Prayers do work, and I am asking for your continued prayers as they strengthen us.

Peace Is Coming. Art by Jon McNaughton
Peace Is Coming. Art by Jon McNaughton

Psalm 34:17-19. The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous face many troubles, but the Lord rescues them from each and every one.

Please support retired Combat Veteran Christopher Kuehne in his fight for freedom and against political persecution.

We are managing all donation funds — this means that the money you donate goes directly to our family. No middle man, no shady “grifting.” You are donating directly to the cause.

To submit donations through mail, kindly make checks payable to:

Annette Kuehne
P.O. Box 4482
Olathe, KS 66063


The post Combat Veteran Criminally Prosecuted in DC Federal Court After Picking Up Trash Inside US Capitol and Asking Police How He Can Help (VIDEO) – Please Help Donate appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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