
General Flynn Rescinds Endorsement of Mike Collins Following Vicious Attack Ad – Endorses Vernon Jones for Congress

President Trump endorsed Vernon Jones for Congress in a special video announcement on Wednesday.

Vernon Jones, a former Democrat, is running in Georgia’s 10th congressional district.

Vernon has ALWAYS stood with Trump and MAGA nation against the radical Democrats who are destroying the nation we love.
Vernon officially joined the Republican Party in January 2021 after serving in the Georgia House as a conservative Democrat for years.

Following President Trump’s endorsement candidate Mike Collins released a vicious attack ad on Vernon Jones filled with far left smears, media rumors, and innuendo.

That was enough for General Mike Flynn.
Flynn rescinded his endorsement of Mike Collins this morning.
General Flynn is now supporting Vernon Jones.

Here’s General Flynn’s statement rescinding his endorsement of Mike Collins in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District:

“Yesterday’s attack by Mike Collins on the character of my friend Vernon Jones crossed the line. No true America First patriot would seek to sully the character of a good man by citing the Far Left Fake News media. Only a Democrat would.

And it is for that reason that I am immediately withdrawing my endorsement of Mike Collins and joining President Trump in endorsing Vernon Jones to be the next Congressman for Georgia’s 10th Congressional District. Few have fought harder for the America First movement than he has, and he has my complete and total endorsement.”

The post General Flynn Rescinds Endorsement of Mike Collins Following Vicious Attack Ad – Endorses Vernon Jones for Congress appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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