
“It’s Open Season on Trump Supporters in the US Capitol” – Jim Hoft, Founder of the Gateway Pundit Discusses Latest Decision to Exonerate Police for Beating Unconscious Female Trump Supporter with Sticks as She Died

Jim Hoft, the founder of The Gateway Pundit, discussed the January 6 protest and riots and the latest ruling by the Capitol Police to exonerate officers who participated in the killing of Rosanne Boyland on the US Capitol steps. 

There are currently dozens of Americans, stripped of their human rights, who are sitting in US jails without trial for their actions on that day. 

But earlier this week the Capitol Police investigators ruled the brutal beating of female Trump supporter Rosanne Boyland on the steps of the US Capitol, while unconscious, by police officers was “objectionably reasonable.”

This is the second time the Capitol Police ruled that killing female Trump supporters was acceptable.  The Capitol Police earlier ruled the cold-blooded killing of Ashli Babbitt by Lt. Mike Byrd was acceptable.  This was after he shot Ashli Babbitt dead without warning from a few feet away and then ran and hid.

** The Gateway Pundit’s American Gulag website is an up-to-date inventory of all the protesters, who they are, and the government’s actions taken against them.

Not many people have done more for the Jan 6 political prisoners than Jim Hoft and The Gateway Pundit.  Jim was on with his brother Joe on The Joe Hoft Show on Real Talk 93.3 on Thursday.  Jim had much to share and much knowledge of what occurred on Jan 6 and what has occurred since.

Here are some segments from the show:

Jim talked about Phillip Anderson who was at the Capitol that day, who shared with Jim: “I was at the Capitol and I was almost killed that day and the woman I was next to did die.  I wanted to tell you my story.  So I did a couple of interviews with Phil Anderson… The Capitol police started pushing people down stairs… I had an older woman wrote me… she got started to be pushed down the steps and it was like a wave.  You couldn’t stop and she was terrafied for her life and the police just keep pushing people down the stairs.

Phillip Anderson and Rosanne Boyland were knocked down and covered with people like in a mush pile and on top of that they were sprayed with gas.  “He said he was holding Rosanne’s hand when she died and the police officers kept beating her.  There’s video of this.”

“Jake Lang also got knocked down … he rescued Phillip Anderson.”  Boyland passed away.  “The police then dragged her body through the tunnel and into the Capitol.  She was pronounced dead 90 minutes later.”

“I think it’s just so appalling to me…this is the second Trump supporter who was killed on that day that we know of for sure.  Killed by the Capitol police… It’s open season for Trump supporters in the US Capitol.”

Please listen to this full interview if you have time.  It is well worth it.

See Americangulag.org to know more about the political prisoners targeted by the Biden Administration and to offer your support. 

The post “It’s Open Season on Trump Supporters in the US Capitol” – Jim Hoft, Founder of the Gateway Pundit Discusses Latest Decision to Exonerate Police for Beating Unconscious Female Trump Supporter with Sticks as She Died appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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