
Suddenly the MSM Asks Why Biden Has Not Picked an Ambassador to Ukraine?

The Biden Administration has not placed an ambassador in the highly volatile Ukraine.  This surprises those in the know because with this region of the world so erratic an Ambassador could help out a lot with foreign relations. 

The New York Times asked this today:

It is a puzzle at the heart of the crisis over Russia’s threat to invade Ukraine: Why has President Biden, more than one year into his presidency, failed to name an ambassador to Kyiv?

Neither the Biden administration nor Ukraine’s government is providing a clear explanation for a delay that career diplomats say would be baffling and inexcusable even in ordinary times, never mind at a moment when the U.S. relationship with Ukraine is as consequential as it has ever been.

Experts say that the presence of a full-time ambassador could help to smooth awkward relations that have emerged between the Biden administration and the government of President Volodymyr Zelensky despite Ukraine’s heavy reliance on Washington for its defense against Russia. But it is also unclear how eager the Ukrainians are to receive an envoy from Mr. Biden, who submitted a candidate to Kyiv for approval weeks ago.

One reason why Biden hasn’t filled the Ukraine Ambassador position is that it might be difficult to find someone who would risk being there with Biden’s gaffes putting them at higher risk.

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Another reason it might be difficult for Biden to find an Ambassador is because of Joe Biden’s history in the region.  Who would want to fill this slot?

We also know that Biden had a Ukrainian prosecutor fired who was investigating Hunter Biden.

BREAKING: Key Evidence Uncovered Shows State Dept Thought Ukrainian Prosecutor Shokin Was a Good Guy and Yet Biden Bragged About Firing Him Because He Was Investigating Hunter, Biden’s Son

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