
Biden’s DOJ Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Township for Counting Ballots by Hand – Insists It’s to Protect Persons with Disabilities

The Biden Department of ‘Justice’ led by Merrick Garland is threatening to sue Thornapple, Wisconsin for not using electronic voting machines in their elections.

The DOJ sent a letter after far left Disability Rights Wisconsin filed a complaint alleging the rules make it difficult for voters with disabilities.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this Friday.

The regime is demanding electronic voting machines. Why is that?

For over 200 years Americans were able to vote without the electronic machines that are easy to hack and where votes can be altered.

The left says this is about heling the handicapped. Is it really?

It is interesting that everything the left fights for makes our elections less secure and safe.

Wisconsin Public Radio reorted:

A complaint filed with the Wisconsin Elections Commission says a town in Rusk County is breaking the law by refusing to make voting machines available to voters with disabilities. Despite a warning from the U.S. Department of Justice, the town allegedly conducted the August primary election using only hand-counted, paper ballots.

The complaint filed by Disability Rights Wisconsin says the Town of Thornapple violated the federal Help America Vote Act by not making electronic voting machines available to people with disabilities during the April and August primaries.

“By ceasing to use electronic voting equipment and, instead, exclusively using paper ballots completed and tabulated by hand, Respondents are no longer using voting systems that are accessible for individuals with disabilities in a manner that provides the same opportunity for access and participation (including privacy and independence) as for other voters,” the complaint said.

Disability Rights Wisconsin is asking the Wisconsin Elections Commission to order Thornapple to make accessible voting machines available. DRW Director of Legal and Advocacy Services Kit Kerschensteiner told WPR the goal is to ensure all town residents are able to cast private ballots in the November presidential election. She said voting machines were used without issue in Thornapple before April…

U.S. Department of Justice threatens lawsuit if town continues refusing to use voting machines

A month before Disability Rights Wisconsin filed its complaint, the U.S. Department of Justice sent a letter to officials in the Town of Thornapple and the Town of Lawrence notifying them the DOJ has “authorized the filing of a lawsuit” over the federal violations.

The letter, obtained by Votebeat, said federal investigators determined the towns failed to make “at least one direct recording electronic voting system or other voting system equipped for individuals with disabilities available at each polling place, including during the April 2, 2024, federal primary election.” It said to avoid litigation, town officials could negotiate a “consent decree” with the federal government.

The post Biden’s DOJ Threatens to Sue Wisconsin Township for Counting Ballots by Hand – Insists It’s to Protect Persons with Disabilities appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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