
Bernie Sanders Says the Quiet Part Out Loud! — Says Kamala is NOT Abandoning Her Socialist Ideals, She Is Pretending to Be Moderate to Win the Election

Bernie Sanders has said the quiet part out loud on Kamala Harris’s flip-flopping on key issues, confirming what many Americans have known all along: Kamala is not abandoning her far-left, socialist ideals but is simply pretending to be moderate to win the election.

During an appearance on Meet the Press, Senator Sanders was asked by Kristen Welker about Harris’s flip-flopping on key issues like Medicare for All, fracking, border wall, and others.

Sanders openly declared that Harris is not abandoning her ideals, but rather masking them to appeal to a broader audience in the hopes of winning over moderate voters.

Kristen Welker: To describe Vice President Kamala Harris as a progressive, she has previously supported Medicare for All. Now, she does not. She previously supported a ban on fracking. Now, she does not. These, Senator, are ideas that you have campaigned on. Do you think she is abandoning her progressive ideals?

Bernie Sanders: No, I don’t think she’s abandoning her ideals. I think she’s trying to be pragmatic and doing what she thinks is right in order to win the election.

Sanders’ remarks highlight that Harris isn’t just flip-flopping on her beliefs to survive the campaign trail. Instead, she’s using “pragmatism” as an excuse to align with whatever ideology suits her ambition at the moment.

From supporting the Green New Deal to pushing for taxpayer-funded healthcare, Harris’s track record speaks for itself. Her convenient shift to moderation is nothing more than an attempt to fool the American people into thinking she’s on their side.

But as Bernie Sanders revealed, it’s all part of the plan—lull the public into complacency, then hit them with socialist policies once power is secured.


Trump’s campaign blasted Kamala last month, calling her a shape-shifting Kameleon:

It has almost been a month since Kamala Harris announced her coup, yet she refuses to do interviews with the press or hold press conferences. Instead, she’s resorting to STEALING policy ideas from President Trump and flip flopping on every issue imaginable.

Whether she is plagiarizing ideas like No Tax on Tips or completely changing her positions on fracking and gun rights, Kamala has proven to be a Kameleon in order to gaslight voters.

But why does she need to come up with new policy proposals? When she was on the ticket as Biden’s VP, she didn’t seem to have a problem with the radical policy platform he introduced. Does she not believe his policies are worth duplicating or replicating? If she is so concerned with service workers keeping their tips, why won’t she do something about it now? She IS part of the administration now. And how does she explain why her administration has actually launched a new snitching program through the IRS to collect more taxes on tips?


“Kamala Harris’ spokespeople are once again alleging she has flip flopped on her positions — this time saying she no longer supports socialist Medicare for All. Kamala needs to stop insulting the intelligence of voters and speak for herself to explain why she is running from every liberal policy she has ever supported. The mainstream media needs to stop being complicit in her lies and demand answers. Kamala co-sponsored the Medicare For All Act and supported enrolling illegal immigrants in Medicare, forcing hardworking American taxpayers to foot their healthcare bills. As for President Trump, he has remained consistent in his promise to bring down healthcare costs for hardworking American families.” – Karoline Leavitt, Trump Campaign National Press Secretary

Kamala’s record:

  • Kamala was a “proud” co-sponsor of the Medicare for All Act.
  • Kamala said, “I’ve always supported Medicare for All and I give credit to Bernie Sanders!”
  • Kamala supported enrolling illegal immigrants in Medicare.
  • Even CNN reported that Kamala Harris “fully embraced ‘Medicare-for-all’ single payer health insurance at a CNN town hall Monday and said she’s willing to end private insurance to make it happen.”


Kamala Harris now wants voters to think she “flipflopped” on the border wall. 

Kamala has always been consistent when it comes to border security, she supports open borders and is opposed to a border wall.

She has called the wall “un-American,” a “waste of taxpayer money,” “medieval,” and said it isn’t going to “stop” illegal immigration.

As a senator, she tried to block President Trump’s construction of the border wall. 

And as Border Czar, Kamala Harris halted construction of the border wall. 

Maybe if Kamala Harris sat down for an interview she could explain her views on the border wall, until then we can only look to her record of supporting open borders. 


If Kamala wants to take a new position, she can emerge from hiding and explain herself — but until then, her far-left record of opposition to the border wall speaks for itself:

  • “I’ve joined my colleagues to introduce a bill that would rescind Trump’s order to construct the border wall.” (2017)
  • President Trump’s border wall is “un-American.” (2018)
  • President Trump’s border wall is a “medieval vanity project.” (2019)
  • “I’m not gonna vote for a [border] wall under any circumstances.” (2019)
  • “This issue is about a vanity project … that wall ain’t going to stop [illegals].” (2019)
  • “[President Trump’s] vanity project called a wall.” (2019)
  • “We don’t need to build a wall … it is not an emergency.” (2019)
  • “A vanity project that he calls a wall.” (2019)
  • “We cannot continue to have an administration and a president of the United States who puts his vanity projects ahead of the needs of the people.” (2019)
  • “Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won’t make us any safer.” (2020)

That says nothing of Kamala’s starring role in an administration that halted construction of President Trump’s border wall on their literal first day in office.

Of course, Kamala also backs mass amnestysanctuary citiesabolishing ICEdecriminalizing illegal border crossingsfree health care for illegals, and so much more — and after she ferried millions of illegals into the country, we’re just supposed to take the word of some low-level intern that she’s suddenly prioritizing border enforcement?

No, because that’s who Kamala Harris is — a weak, deranged, open borders radical who will stop at nothing to enact her Marxist delusions.

The post Bernie Sanders Says the Quiet Part Out Loud! — Says Kamala is NOT Abandoning Her Socialist Ideals, She Is Pretending to Be Moderate to Win the Election appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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