
Please Help J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis As He Starts a New Life after He Leaves Prison After Years of Abuse by the Biden Regime

Jon Mellis

In December 2023, The Gateway Pundit reported that J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis was sentenced to 51 months in prison and 36 months of supervised release by Judge Randolph Moss.

Moss also ordered Mellis to pay $20,000 to the government, all of the money Jon had left in his GiveSendGo account, which he had raised during his nearly three years in prison at the DC Gulag.

The same government that repeatedly lied during his trial about Jon’s actions on January 6 took all of the money left in his account.

** Please donate to Jon Mellis’s GiveSendGo account to help him as he leaves prison and starts a new life.

Mellis is one of several January 6 defendants who witnessed Officer Lila Morris brutally beat Roseanne Boyland’s unconscious body and attempted to stop police from brutally beating demonstrators.

While incarcerated, Mellis has been a leading voice for his fellow J6ers, including his ‘We Are Good Men’ podcast that allows prisoners to share their stories in their own words.

He has worked tirelessly to have their stories told and provide life-changing support for their families, and he intends to continue to fight for justice for the political prisoners when he is released at the end of September.

** Please help Jon here.***

Jon recently wrote to The Gateway Pundit on the eve of his release.

I’ve been sitting in a cell since February 16, 2021. My first 13 months were spent in solitary confinement, and my first 2 years were without any form of visitation, in person or by video/behind glass. This is how the J6ers were treated.

The DC Jail building conditions were broken down, disgusting, infested with little creatures, and we were abused by angry correctional officers regularly. These guards believed the mainstream media lies about us. They thought we were racist terrorists who tried to overthrow the government, which is ridiculous. For 3 years, I was waiting in the infamous DC jail without even getting a bond hearing before I was finally sentenced to 51 months to serve and $22,100 in fines for my involvement in the January 6 “Stop The Steal” rally in Washinton, DC.

I was charged with assaulting officers after witnessing them trample unconscious protesters. Rosanne Boyland died right in front of me as people screamed for help while the cops beat people who were trying to help. At least a dozen of us who tried to intervene to save her life are now in federal prison. As we suffered in the DC jail under disgusting conditions and abusive correctional officers, I watched over a hundred of my J6 brothers come in and get sentenced to many years of incarceration each, ranging from as low as 31 months to the insane high of 22 years. I lived with them and formed deep and genuine bonds with so many of these great men. It’s truly an honor to have suffered alongside the men I met on this journey.

I am now in federal prison myself at FCI Ashland in Kentucky. With my 15% off for “good time,” I will be released on September 30, 2024. The federal government has denied me the typical 6-12 months Halfway House, so I will be here in this prison until that date in September. I’d like to say that being screwed over by the system like this is unusual for J6ers, but we all know that J6ers are routinely shit on by this system. The corrupt DOJ will always continue to find new and creative ways to hurt us. I would also like to say that my case represents the worst behavior of the DOJ, but that is NOT EVEN CLOSE to the truth. Look at what the FBI routinely does to President Trump. Watching my J6 brothers get sentenced regularly to between 10 to 22 years is all too normal. Watching many of my brothers get wrongly accused of seditious conspiracy and thrown away for decades is sadly the reality I live in.

Enrique Tarrio, the chairman of The Proud Boys, was sentenced to 22 years in prison for seditious conspiracy when he was NOT EVEN IN Washington, DC, on January 6. Other Proud Boys were falsely convicted of seditious conspiracy for actually just walking around inside the US Capitol building then going back to their hotel.

Ethan Nordean was sentenced to 18 years, Joe Biggs was sentenced to 17 years, and Zach Riehl was sentenced to 15 years. While Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola was found “not guilty” of the seditious conspiracy charge, he was given 10 years for breaking a window. I lived with these men for about 6 months in the DC jail and watched them get sentenced. They are my brothers. Their pain is my pain. I can assure you that they are truly and deeply innocent. It breaks my heart to see what this corrupt DOJ and the mainstream media have done to these truly good men. The Proud Boys are honest-to-God Patriots who love our US Constitution. The Proud Boys would NEVER dream of treason. How dare Joe Biden and Kamala Harris treat Proud Boys with anything but respect, dignity, and appreciation. It is the greatest fraternity in the world and everyone would be lucky to meet a Proud Boy. And with over 40,000 Proud Boys in the USA, you probably have.

I have had one mission since getting arrested. With the help of platforms like The Gateway Pundit, and the assistance of some of my personal friends, I have dedicated myself to getting my J6 brothers’ stories out and helping them fundraise for this heartbreaking situation we find ourselves in. With the overwhelming generosity of the American people and the compassion and care of Jim Hoft, we have been very effective in helping over one hundred of my J6 brothers raise much-needed funds for their families and their legal struggle. I have worked with these men one by one, sitting with many of them for hours at a time to organize their thoughts onto paper or to polish their final drafts. Then I worked to get their testimonials published and to raise money directly into their own bank accounts, bypassing the all too common greedy nonprofits that divert money to enrich themselves. These men deserve better than to be robbed by the current popular J6 nonprofits, and the American people deserve better than to be deceived by a “nonprofit”. DO NOT TRUST nonprofits for J6. If you would like to donate, please donate DIRECTLY to the J6er you want to help by sending your money to their own personal GiveSendGO account. That way, it goes to the J6er and his family and not to some greedy grifter.

***Please help Jon here.***

Spending innumerable hours having political or philosophical conversations and goofing around with these men has been a deeply warm part of this terrible situation. Anyone who knows me can tell you that I’m a highly intelligent, hyper-active goofball. I like to make people laugh, and I enjoy being the comic relief or the “class clown.” I’m a total goof. I’m a wild man. I’ve been compared to Animal from The Muppets. Lol. With my ability to connect with people through ridiculous humor or intelligent conversation I have had the greatest luck building truly deep relationships with the coolest and most inspirational men on Earth. I truly am a lucky man to be best friends with my heroes.

What I have learned about these honorable men has given me strength and confidence that our MAGA movement is the most righteous movement in American history. Whether it is their faith in God, their love of wholesome family values, or their unshakable resolve while facing the darkest, most authoritarian machine in human history from inside The American Gulag, my respect for these great men grows every day. I have been inspired by my fellow Americans as they suffer harsher punishments than any protesters in US history while being ridiculously smeared by the mainstream media as “insurrectionists.”

I see it as my duty to be of service to these great men. This is why I do what I do to help them. 100% of the money the American people donate to them goes directly to each J6er. I do not own a nonprofit or a central fund. I receive nothing for this but satisfaction. I’m just happy to fight for these good men because I know we are in this together. If I can do something to help someone’s family feel better about paying the mortgage or to afford food for their children, then I’ve done my part. To date we have helped raise millions of dollars for my brothers this way. I am honored to be of service to these great Patriots. None of this would be possible without the generosity of the American people. We are all so grateful for our Patriotic countrymen. We feel the love and it helps more than you know.

Our eternal gratitude also sits with the great Jim Hoft. Without him, we would all be screwed. Jim, Katie O, Cara C, Kelly W, Alicia P and everyone else at The Gateway Pundit are all owed a deep debt of gratitude from the J6ers. We will never forget. Lives and families have been saved due to their attention and care. To see the product of the work I’ve been coordinating and to get to know my J6 brothers better in their own words, please visit www.wearegoodmen.com. You can also see the “We Are Good Men” podcast on Rumble we produce from inside the DC jail using the jail issued laptops. (Only given to us after years of complaints that we had no access to view our case files. I’m sure the DOJ now regrets not disabling the camera on these limited-use laptops. Lol.) I hope you all check out these amazing video interviews of the J6 Hostages. You can see for yourself why these men deserve to be admired.

I wish the world knew these men like I do. You would be both inspired and heartbroken. Our story is one of unfair persecution and mainstream media lies. We are good men who happened to be in the place God shook the world on January 6, 2021. Anyone who was there can tell you the emotions in the crowd and the pure cathartic joy that was felt as Patriots climbed the building and waved their flags. After decades of government corruption, creeping communist tendencies in the liberal media, big tech censorship, and a year of medical tyranny, can you blame a crowd of over a million Patriots for storming the US Capitol Swamp after the understaffed police force guarding the building started attacking us with explosives and rubber bullets? The police panicked and started shooting us without giving proper warning. Maybe Nancy Pelosi should have said “yes” to President Trumps offer for 10,000 National Guard troops for that day?

For the record, I’m not ashamed of our behavior on January 6. To the contrary, I am proud to call the wild cowboys of January 6 my brothers. “The riot is the voice of the unheard.” These are the words of the great MLK Jr. What we have in this country is a creeping authoritarian communist regime stifling and censoring We The People. This has been happening for years, but became supercharged when Donald Trump came down that golden escalator to put himself in the way of the uniparty/deep state/machine in order to save our glorious republic. He left his life of luxury to become the most investigated, lied about, and persecuted man in American political history. He has been spied on by the Feds, sued, indicted, impeached, slandered, and shot. Despite the efforts of “the system” to destroy him, and the efforts to destroy his Patriotic supporters, we are still standing strong and full of enthusiasm. We are the future and we are NEVER going away.

My life as I knew it has been destroyed because of this experience. The financial cost alone has been breathtaking. Everything from the $22,100 court fine, an expensive federal lawyer, child support, bills, lost wages, and that’s not even to mention the costs associated with being locked up, including commissary and phone calls for nearly 4 years. Now I stare down the prospect of having to restart and rebuild my life from scratch when I’m released. This experience has harmed my life in so many ways. The amazing girlfriend I had when this incarceration began is no longer with me. My teenage son has grown much taller and his voice has deepened. My father, Gennaro Mellis, died since I’ve been incarcerated. He was a decorated Vietnam War hero and my best friend. A retired Army Major and retired from the Navy as well. He was one of the smartest men I’ve ever met. He was a good man and I will forever strive to live up to his virtuous example. The last time I saw him I was in handcuffs after a pre-dawn raid and he was surrounded by dozens of militarized FBI Agents and an armored truck. I was not allowed to attend his funeral. And on top of everything, my physically disabled mother was eventually forced to sell the family home I was raised in.

My future after this prison sentence may be more simple than I expect. I MUST continue advocating for my J6 brothers until they are all free. After that, I think the entire federal criminal justice system needs reform. The way I see it, the federal government locked up a bunch of good men, like they’ve been doing for generations, but this time we can use our experience in federal prison to change the system. Our federal criminal justice system is bloated, broken, and lacks common sense, like most of the federal government. I have met a lot of men in federal prison with stories that would break your heart. The federal government gives out way too much time to too many people. I believe our best hope at a functioning criminal justice system is to leave the prosecution of criminals to the states. Federal prosecutors are infamous for their deceptive behavior and outright lies in open court. The FBI is no better. The abuses of the federal government against the people are rampant, blatant, and systemic.

I can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life and continue trying to make the world a better place. Its about time we recalibrate our entire federal government to bring it back into line with our Constitution and with the Common Sense government envisioned by the great Thomas Paine.

***Please help Jon here.***

The post Please Help J6 Political Prisoner Jon Mellis As He Starts a New Life after He Leaves Prison After Years of Abuse by the Biden Regime appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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