
WAYNE ROOT: The Future of America is On the Line. It’s Time to Turn the GOP and The Trump Campaign Into Amway- with Multi-Level-Voting!

Former President Donald Trump appeared on "Gutfeld!" on Wednesday night, and he shattered viewing records.
Former President Donald Trump appeared on "Gutfeld!" on Wednesday night, and he shattered viewing records.
Former President Donald Trump appeared on “Gutfeld!” on Wednesday night, and he shattered viewing records. (Fox News / YouTube screen shot)

By Wayne Allyn Root

Everything is coming up aces for President Trump.

The latest New York Times/Sienna College poll (yes, I said NY Times) shows Trump winning Arizona, Georgia and North Carolina by solid margins.

The so-called “Cookie Poll” at a popular Cincinnati bakery that has predicted all but one presidential winner in the past 40 years has Trump winning by a 15-point landslide 54% to 39%.

And just today we found out that Republicans (thanks to hard-working registration superstar Scott Pressley) have flipped Luzerne County (the bell-weather Pennsylvania County) to Republican red for the first time in over a century. Thank you, Scott Pressler!

We all know this election comes down to one state- Pennsylvania. If Trump wins it, Kamala’s electoral path to victory becomes close to impossible. And the path to winning Pennsylvania almost always comes down to Luzerne County.

So, the news this week is very good for President Trump.

But the battle is far from over. Because we all know the effort by Democrats to steal this election with an endless array of voter fraud scams will be the biggest ever.

They’ve expanded from fake mail-in ballots with no Voter ID, and ballot harvesting, and ballot drop boxes, to trying to register 20 million newly arrived illegal aliens, and using fake overseas ballots to steal battleground states.

I’m afraid these Democrat frauds could turn a Trump landslide on Election Day into a razor-thin loss again.

To bring that point home, look at the famous Cincinnati “Cookie Poll” that I just mentioned above. Yes, Trump is winning by a landslide- a fantastic sign. Yes, the poll has been right in every election but one in the past 40 years. But the one election it was wrong was 2020. We know how accurate the poll is. Yet Biden won- the only time the “Cookie Poll” was ever wrong.

Just more evidence that Trump won fair and square, while Democrats cheated, rigged and stole the 2020 election. And even though Trump is leading by a landslide in the “Cookie Poll” this time around, it shows that Democrats could do it again.

Here’s why I have hope this time is different. In both 2016 and 2020 Trump never led consistently in any national, or state polls.

But this time around Trump is polling higher than ever before nationally and in battleground states.

It’s quite possible, based on past poll results vs actual performance, and the proven reluctance of Trump voters to speak to pollsters, that Trump is winning by a landslide. So, it will be much tougher for Democrats to overcome a big Trump lead and pull off “the steal.”

That’s why on November 5th, and throughout this entire Election Season, we all need to turn the GOP and this Trump campaign into Amway!

Amway? Has Wayne lost his mind? What the heck does Wayne mean? Amway is a multi-billion-dollar American business success story. It is a MLM company- meaning “Multi-Level Marketing.”

MLM is simply the idea that the more people you recruit to work under you, the richer and more successful you become. Someone with 1,000 people under them will become much richer than someone with 100 people under them.

That’s the strategy of MLM. The more you hustle, and recruit, and sell, and pitch, and hammer away, RELENTLESSLY, the richer you will become.

We need to apply that same strategy to this Election season, if we want to elect President Trump, and defeat these crazy, radical, unAmerican, communist frauds once and for all.

I call it MLV- “Multi-Level Voting.”

We can’t win this election if each of us goes to the polls (or fills out a ballot) just once. We each need to put the responsibility for saving this nation on our shoulders. We each need to commit to bringing a minimum of ten voters to the polls- friends, relatives, co-workers, neighbors, workers at the restaurants, or bars, or hair salons we frequent, or even strangers. TEN VOTERS.

If we each commit to a minimum of ten, and they each commit to bringing ten, and they each bring ten, and they each bring ten, and so on, and so on, we will jack up the Trump national vote total to unimaginable levels. Not just unimaginable, but unbeatable.

This is how we make this election “Steal-proof.” This is how we make it “Too big to rig.”

So, this Election season (it’s no longer “Election Day- now it’s about weeks of early voting) start practicing MLV- “Multi-Level Voting.” Every Republican should think of themselves as an Amway independent contractor.

You can only save this nation, and this economy, and your job, and your home’s value, and your retirement account, and your children’s future, and secure our border, and prevent World War 3, if you hustle, and recruit, and pitch, and sell, and hammer away like a true believer…like your life depends on it…like your children’s lives depend on it…like this is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make a fortune.

Each of us must commit to bringing a minimum of ten voters to the polls (or to fill out ten mail-in ballots)…and convince those ten to bring ten…and those ten voters to bring ten voters- all the way down the line!

And soon we will produce a record-setting 90 million, or even 100 million votes for President Trump.

With this Amway-like mentality, and this MLV- “Multi-Level Voting” strategy, we will either produce the greatest landslide since Reagan-Mondale…or at the very least, make this election “too big to rig” and thereby guarantee a close Trump win over the Democrat voter fraud machine.

This Election season, remember…


ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at RealAmericasVoice.com, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to RootforAmerica.com to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: The Future of America is On the Line. It’s Time to Turn the GOP and The Trump Campaign Into Amway- with Multi-Level-Voting! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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