
Howard Dean TRIGGERED By Moderate Democrat’s Anti-Socialist Tweet!

Howard Dean was positively triggered by a tweet put out by Starbucks CEO, Howard Schultz on Saturday.

Howard Schultz is aiming to be the adult in the room in a Democrat Party that is full of radical Socialists, America-haters and open anti-Semites.

The triggered Howard Dean.

Howard Schultz wrote:

Shouting down political opponents, inflexible dogma, and the making of lists of the politically impure, unfavored classes, and offending businesses, has always been integral to socialism. History is utterly clear on this point. The list is always acted on.

That was enough for Screaming Dean to throw the worst insult a Democrat can hurl and another Democrat:

I’m beginning to think Schultz is not terribly different from trump. This is gibberish.

Is it possible that America’s war against Socialism has finally gotten underway? If so, we all know what side of that war Howard Dean and progressives Democrats are on. They hate American Capitalism and want it destroyed.

The post Howard Dean TRIGGERED By Moderate Democrat’s Anti-Socialist Tweet! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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