
Amid Charges of Sexual Abuse, the Boy Scouts Propose the Creation of a National Sex Abuse Directory for Youth Organizations



I’d like to start this article with, “The Boy Scouts have some good ideas.” But I can’t, because the lightbulbs going off in their heads over the last little while haven’t been particularly bright. The’ve moreso been a dim, AOC-Green-New-Deal kinda luminescent.

Hence, Brandon Morse’s chart-topping article from December, “The Boy Scouts Filing Bankruptcy After A String Of ‘Woke’ Decisions Caused It To Go Broke.”

Among the dumb: letting girls be Boy Scouts.

But this recent turn may actually be a somewhat solid move.

The BSA have proposed the creation of a suspected sex offender registry for groups dealing with kids (I’d say remove the “suspected” — aka unproven — part).

They made the recommendation as part of apparent damage control Tuesday, in the aftermath of allegations that 200 Boy Scout leaders have sexually abused minors (I reference my previous statement about lightbulbs). The firms of Greg Gianforcaro and Jeff Anderson & Associates alleged that the Boy Scouts’ “perversion files” — which contained secretive allegations of sexual about — actually named the accused leaders.

BSA Chief Strategy Officer Erin Eisner provided a statement to The Daily Caller (listed in part here):

We fully support and advocate for the creation of a national registry overseen by a governmental entity, similar to the national sex offender registry, of those who are suspected of child abuse or inappropriate behavior with a child, and thus allowing all youth-serving organizations to share and access such information.

We are eager to share the information contained in our database with other youth serving organizations.

Our vision, and one shared by others working hard in this space to protect youth, is that all youth serving organizations would be required to track and document those adults who have harmed children or have been suspected of harming children and report this information into a national registry.

According to Erin, the new registry would be analogous to the DOJ’s National Sex Offender public website.

Oh — and also, the Boy Scouts said they never knew about anyone being accused of sexual abuse.

Bold claim?

Attorney Jeff Anderson called Hogwash:

“All the pledges and promises from the Boy Scouts of America fall short. The reality is, they have to identify the names of thousands of offenders from their secret files. The Boy Scouts need to come clean and inform the communities who these people are, what they did, and where they are today.”

I could say more here, but I’d rather hear from you — are any of you former Scouts? I’m not. What do you think of the organization? Its changes? The directory? For those of you whose lives were made better (or worse) by the Boy Scouts of America, I’d love to know your thoughts. I look forward to reading them, in the Comments section below.



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