
FAIL: Phony Eric Swalwell Respects Women Enough to Choose One for VP, but Won’t Debate Dana Loesch

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA-15) wants you to know that he’s aware he has white privilege. He also wants you to know that when it comes to choosing a vice presidential candidate, he is committed to picking a woman to be second in charge – because he, you know, respects women and values their opinions so much.

Swalwell posted his tweet Tuesday night but the comments were from a Monday segment on MSNBC‘s “All In” program with host Joy Reid. Here’s what she asked him – and his answer:

In the MSNBC interview, which aired Monday, Swalwell was addressing a question from host Joy Reid, who said there was a “lot of consternation among women” who look at the field of 2020 candidates – which includes a number of women and minorities – and see “the white guys are all polling up at the top.”


“I don’t think anyone’s identity should hold them back, but I think the next president should see all races, all identities,” he said in a clip from an interview with MSNBC’s “All In” that he included with his tweet. “And I would put forward policies that would make sure that inherent bias that exists, or discrimination that exists, in communities would be eliminated.”

He vowed to “make sure that everyone, everywhere has opportunities.”

It’s interesting Swalwell feigns respect for diversity and says a person’s “identity should not hold them back”, that he will “pass the mic” to his female VP pick when you consider his snide refusal last week to debate NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

Loesch called him out for his blatant sexism, noting that he was willing to debate a man, but not her:

If he truly respected women with diverse opinions, he would answer Loesch. But he’s a flaming hypocrite who puts style over substance, and values earning cheap Democratic street cred over legit policy debates on hot button issues.

What a clown show he is. An absolute clown show.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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