
Rep. Cummings Throws a Tantrum After Trump DOJ Official Refuses to Give Deposition Without DOJ Lawyer Present, ‘Massive Obstruction’

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD)

The Democrat Chairman of the House Oversight Committee accused President Trump and AG Barr of ‘massive obstruction’ on Wednesday for ordering federal employees to ignore congressional subpoenas. 

“Both President Trump and Attorney General Barr are now openly ordering federal employees to ignore congressional subpoenas and simply not show up – without any assertion of a valid legal privilege,” Dem Congressman Elijah Cummings said in a statement.

Reuters reported that the Justice Department on Wednesday refused to allow John Gore, a deputy assistant attorney general in the Civil Rights Division to provide a deposition scheduled for Thursday if the committee would not allow a DOJ lawyer by his side.

The Democrat-led committee offered to allow a lawyer to sit in a separate room while they interview a Trump DOJ official involved in the decision to add a citizenship question to the 2020 census.

Rep. Cummings argued that the subpoena issued to John Gore was done in a bipartisan basis so there was no reason for privilege to be asserted by the White House or DOJ — too bad Cummings!

Where was the hand-wringing by the Democrats when Obama and his Attorney General Eric Holder played this game with ‘Fast and Furious’ and other scandals?

“This is a massive, unprecedented, and growing pattern of obstruction,” Cummings said, warning the federal employees to “think very carefully about their own legal interests” in refusing to comply with his committee’s subpoenas.

Do the Democrats even legislate? Do the Democrats serve their constituents anymore or do they only dedicate their time to harassing President Trump and his associates? Rhetorical question, we know.

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