
Congressman Threatens Donald Trump Jr. With Prison

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

I don’t know about you, but I’m horrified at the normalization of “proving innocence” when it comes to political tribunals. We have seen the Democrats push hard to create a court of public opinion that usurps all actual justice, and nobody seems to be pushing back. Even after the release of the Mueller report, Republicans like Mitt Romney are more concerned about Trump being mean and brash, then the possibility that our government spied for political reasons.

I came across a tweet that should be roundly condemned by every member in Congress, but I wont hold my breath. Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI) responded to a tweet from Donald Trump jr with “Can’t wait to have you testify under oath about that Trump tower meeting with the Russians about getting dirt on Hillary. (Are you a large or extra large for your orange jumpsuit?)”. This is not a statement anyone who claims to be concerned about government overreach should let slide. In fact, if I were the President’s legal council, this is the exact type of statement I would use if Congress ever went forward with impeachment just to show that the Democrats have made guilt a foregone conclusion regarding a 22-month investigation proving the opposite.

These people are sick, and we need to stop letting them normalize this type of behavior, but I have no faith that the GOP will stand on principle in lieu of taking their marching orders from main stream media.

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