
Where is David French’s Article on Pete Buttigieg?

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

David French had a lot to say about Evangelical support for Donald Trump in 2016, to include questioning their faith in general. French appointed himself as the judge of who is an appropriate xha candidate for those of Christian faith with this position, how else can someone infer from this? Since French has decided to lecture us all on how our Chritian faith should be reflective at the ballot box, I wonder if French will be in for the long haul.

According to French’s article “an open letter to Trump’s Evangelical defenders” French states “We are not told to rationalize and justify sinful actions to preserve political influence or a popular audience. ” French was at the time chastising Evangelical support for Trump amid accusations that he paid Stormy Daniels “hush money” to hide an affair. French’s consternation with Evangelicals was that they would dismiss sinful behavior, and he championed himself to be the judge of what behavior is acceptable for a Christian voter in the United States, so naturally, I wonder where French’s article is regarding Pete Buttigieg, a homosexual candidate running for President, or his vociferous condemnation of Kamala Harris for having an open affair with her former boss?

I bring these examples up because French felt he was qualified to impose judgement on American Christians, but suddenly seems to have lost his voice when that opinion would be deemed unpopular by the Liberal press. French only chastised Evangelicals because he knew he could take a moral position that the Left would celebrate, and he could condemn his detractors as members of the “Trump cult”. This all came into perspective this week following Franklin Graham’s criticism of Pete Buttigieg and his call for Mayor Pete to repent for his sins, and French responded with his ever popular “but Trump though” style.

French makes the statement that marriage is “between a man and a woman” but can’t seem to bring himself to state that Franklin Graham is correct that homosexuality is indeed a sin according to Christian doctrine. French can call Graham a hypocrite all he wants, but since French appointed himself as the expert on Evangelical voting, does he not have an obligation to speak out against the moral behaviors of Democrats with the same ferocity with which he attacked Trump?

French of course is rudderless when it comes to morality, his morality is as subjective as anyone else in the media. French merely used Evangelicals as the straw man to attack Trump. His thinly veiled criticisms were nothing more than a coping mechanism to convince himself that not supporting Trump was a good decision and that his requirement to double down is also a good decision. French doesn’t actually care about whether Christian morals are reflected in national leadership, he merely cares that he will be able to tell everyone how morally sound he feels about his decisions, no matter what true societal effect they have on our country.

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The post Where is David French’s Article on Pete Buttigieg? appeared first on RedState.

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