
PAPADOPOULOS DROPS BOMBSHELL: UK Was Working With Obama in Spying on Trump Campaign (VIDEO)

Earlier today The New York Times finally admitted the Obama administration was spying on Trump campaign officials.

On Tuesday The New York Times dropped a bombshell revealing that Stefan Halper’s assistant, ‘Azra Turk,’ who met with Papadopoulos is September of 2016 was actually an FBI investigator posing as a sexy assistant to Halper.

Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos traveled to London in September of 2016 after he received a strange request via email, for a meeting from Stefan Halper, a Cambridge professor with CIA connections, to discuss foreign policy.

Halper sent Papadopoulos an email in early September of 2016 offering him $3,000 to travel to London and write a policy paper about Cyprus, Turkey and Israel because Papadopoulos was working in the Israeli energy business and had an extensive amount of knowledge in that field.

Enter the spy posing as a sexy assistant…

Stefan Halper’s assistant, Azra Turk (alias), who Papadopoulos referred to as a ‘honeypot,’ said she flirted with him and directly asked him if the Trump campaign was working with Russia.

On Thursday The New York Times admitted that Azra Turk was a deep state FBI spy. And she was spying on Papadopoulos.

On Thursday night George Papadopoulos joined Tucker Carlson to discuss today’s report in The New York Times.

During their discussion George Papadopoulos dropped another bombshell.

Last year Joe Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported that evidence proves that a foreign government meddled in the 2016 US Election. But the government identified is the UK, not Russia!

Tonight Papadoupolous added this.

“I don’t think President Trump was tweeting out of the blue about UK interference last week because let me explain why. The day I met with Stephan Halper and Azra Turk in London I was invited by the British administer of foreign affairs to meet with them at their offices including with Tobias Ellwood who was number two at the time under Boris Johnson. So clearly when The New York Times suggested in their reporting today that the British were told of this operation, I believe the British were actively spying on me as well. And I think part of what the president was tweeting about last week was this operation in London.”

The Brits were also involved in spying on Trump — just as we reported.

Via Tucker Carlson:

The post PAPADOPOULOS DROPS BOMBSHELL: UK Was Working With Obama in Spying on Trump Campaign (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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