
WATCH: Teen Florida Restaurant Workers Spit in Food Meant for Local Deputies. They Were Later Arrested.

FL teens spit in food

Screen grab via WPEC CBS12.

WPEC reports on a disgusting incident in Florida involving three teen restaurant workers who are alleged to have spit in the food of two deputies before serving it to them:

Three teens were fired and arrested for reportedly spitting into Okeechobee County deputies’ food.

Two uniformed, on-duty deputies stopped at the Highway 55 Restaurant for dinner last Saturday, according to the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office. It was later discovered that three teenage employees conspired to spit in the deputies’ food.

An anonymous person later notified the restaurant owners what happened.

The owners immediately watched surveillance footage that confirmed the accusations, the sheriff’s office said. The three employees were immediately fired and Okeechobee police were called.

Watch video of the incident below:

The sheriff’s office posted this press release indicating that the three teenagers were arrested and charged after an investigation was completed:

[The] high school students were each charged with Florida Anti-Tampering Act- Food, a 1st Degree Felony and Battery on a Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), a 3rd Degree Felony.

All were transported to the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Sheriff Noel E. Stephen stated,”There is no excuse for actions such as this and will not be tolerated.” The deputies were notified and treatment is not required at this point.

In other words, the sheriff’s office is not messing around.

Unfortunately these types of incidents where food service workers target law enforcement officers are not uncommon. But something I wrote a back in March on this issue still applies now, and I’m going to share it again:

It still floors me when I think about the fact that the idiots who refuse service or who otherwise give shoddy/disrespectful service to our military veterans and law enforcement officers actually think they can get away with it.

Military veterans and law enforcement officers share time in their respective fields under the harshest conditions imaginable. They train together. They work together. They shed blood, sweat, and tears together. They have each other’s backs. They’re willing to take bullets for each other.

And it’s deeply personal to every one of them when one of their own comes under attack, whether in the battlefield, in the line of duty here stateside, or in the normal, everyday roles they serve in their communities.

Anti-law enforcement/military service workers (which I assume is the case here) should know better than to think that the people who rush to protect and defend their fellow Americans whether at home or abroad are actually going to take being insulted and disrespected lying down.

But said workers have been emboldened by Resistance™ culture, and act accordingly. So be it. In the end, though, they will more often than not find out it’s not worth it.

Sister Toldjah is a former liberal and a 15+ year veteran of blogging with an emphasis on media bias, social issues, and the culture wars. Read her Red State archives here. Connect with her on Twitter.–

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