
Adam Schiff Feeds BS to Conspiracy Nut Rachel Maddow: “This Is a President Who Has Sought Foreign Intervention in US Elections Twice Now” VIDEO)

Impeachment czar Adam Schiff joined conspiracy nut Rachel Maddow on Monday night to discuss the latest developments in the Democrat Party’s December attempt to impeach President Trump.

During their conversation Adam Schiff claimed President Trump has “sought foreign intervention in US elections twice now.”

Adam Schiff: We’re continuing to issue new subpoenas, we’re continuing to learn new information. That work goes on. But we also feel a sense of urgency. This is a president who has sought foreign intervention in US elections twice now.

Actually, that is a complete lie. The Mueller report found no connection between the Trump campaign and Russia because there was none. And the Ukraine investigation has failed to find any proof of a quid-pro-quo or bribery or extortion with Ukraine.

Schiff lies so frequently he has no idea what the truth is anymore.

The post Adam Schiff Feeds BS to Conspiracy Nut Rachel Maddow: “This Is a President Who Has Sought Foreign Intervention in US Elections Twice Now” VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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