
House Democrats Panic – Quietly Debate Expanding Impeachment Articles Because Ukraine is a Bust

The House Democrats are panicking as they quietly debate expanding impeachment articles beyond Ukraine as they realize their narrative is not selling the public on removing Trump from office.

The Democrats want to impeach President Trump by Christmas, however, there is an internal debate as red-state Dems push back against impeachment and want to keep the investigation focused only on Ukraine.

RELATED: House Republicans Release 10 Key Findings From Schiff Show Trials that Destroy Democrats’ Latest Plans to Take Down President Trump

The Schiff show trials backfired and polls show support for impeachment has collapsed.

Dozens of red state Democrat lawmakers quietly oppose impeachment because they know they will lose their jobs if they vote in favor of impeachment.

However, the radical, rabid Democrats are hoping to roll out the stale Muller report and highlight the ’10 instances of obstruction by President Trump’ — none of which Mueller decided to charge Trump with after two years of a bogus investigation.

Via The Washington Post:

Members of the House Judiciary Committee and other more liberal-minded lawmakers and congressional aides have been privately discussing the possibility of drafting articles that include obstruction of justice or other “high crimes” they believe are clearly outlined in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report — or allegations that Trump has used his office to benefit his bottom line.

The idea, however, is running into resistance from some moderate Democrats wary of impeachment blowback in their GOP-leaning districts, as well as Democratic leaders who sought to keep impeachment narrowly focused on allegations that Trump pressured Ukraine to investigate his political rivals, according to officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk freely.

The debate is expected to play out in leadership and caucus meetings this week, as the House Intelligence Committee prepares to hand the impeachment inquiry to the House Judiciary Committee. The Intelligence Committee is scheduled to vote Tuesday night on its final report on Ukraine, allowing Judiciary to then work on writing articles of impeachment based on that document.

Congressman Mark Meadows (R-NC) blasted the House Dems on Monday night.

“They’re looking at returning to the Mueller playbook because they know they don’t have a case on Ukraine. Their problem is: they don’t have a case on either. This is textbook grasping at straws,” Meadows said.

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