
“It’s Always Tough to Predict That” – Fauci When Asked How Long it will be Until Vaccinated People can be Indoors without a Mask (VIDEO)

Dr. Fauci on Sunday said he doesn’t know when it will be safe for vaccinated people to be indoors without a mask.

Who still listens to this guy?

Fauci said it’s not a time to celebrate after CNN’s Dana Bash brought up the decline in daily Covid cases on Sunday’s “State of the Union.”

“Hopefully it’s going to continue to go in that trajectory downward, but we have to just be careful that we don’t prematurely declare victory in many respects,” Fauci said.

“How long do you think it will be until it’s safe for vaccinated people to be indoors without a mask?” Dana Bash asked.

“It’s always tough to predict that,” Fauci said.


The post “It’s Always Tough to Predict That” – Fauci When Asked How Long it will be Until Vaccinated People can be Indoors without a Mask (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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