
THE BIG LIE: In a Blatant Disregard for the Truth, Far-Left and Mainstream Media Claim No Election ‘Irregularities’ in Arizona

Garbage far-left and Mainstream Media claim there were no ‘irregularities’ found in the audit of the 2020 Election results from Maricopa County.  These claims are simply not true.  

Far-left media outlet Slate claimed on Thursday that there was “no evidence of election irregularities” in the audit of Maricopa County’s 2020 Election results.  This is simply false.

Is it any surprise that two of the main authors of the partisan election review in Arizona didn’t even show up to Thursday’s hearing by the House Oversight Committee to investigate their report? The so-called audit in Maricopa County found no evidence of election irregularities and even turned up more votes for President Joe Biden. But that hasn’t stopped the review’s leaders from suggesting Trump won in Arizona. Yet on Thursday, two leaders of the Cyber Ninjas investigation thought it better to stay home than to testify under oath that their review signaled a win for the former president.

Attacks like this by the far-left online site are typical of Big Media’s attention to the Maricopa audit.  However, last night President Trump had a different interpretation of the results of the audit in Arizona, sharing:

The Thursday House hearing of the Arizona Election Scam turned sharply against the Democrats when Congressman Andy Biggs and others started asking questions about all the damning findings of the audit and the people for Maricopa County were unable to give an answer. It was incredible.

They could not answer why they deleted and moved election data after they received a subpoena, or why they have never delivered chain of custody documents for millions of ballots. Congressman Andrew Clyde exposed the Democrats’ “Big Lie” that Biden “won” the recount, because no matter how many times you count counterfeit money, “you may have 100 pieces of paper in your pocket, but you sure don’t have $100 dollars in legal tender.”

The hearing exposed how numerous laws were broken during the Arizona voting, how blank mail-in ballot envelopes were approved, and how there are tens of thousands of suspected fraudulent ballots.

The Fake News, however, refuses to cover those questions and answers because they prove, without question, that we won Arizona (and many other states).

The problem for the dishonest, far-left media is that nearly 700,000 ballots from the 2020 Election in Maricopa County have issues.

BREAKING: THE LIST – Nearly 700,000 Maricopa County Ballots Identified with Issues from the Audit and Separate Canvassing Work to Date

You see, when liberal, far-left garbage websites and the Mainstream media claim there was no evidence of irregularities, they are either misinformed or biased to the point of dishonesty.

The post THE BIG LIE: In a Blatant Disregard for the Truth, Far-Left and Mainstream Media Claim No Election ‘Irregularities’ in Arizona appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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