
Did Justin Trudeau’s Vicious Lies and Smears Lead to Car Ramming of Freedom Convoy Protesters in Winnipeg? Will Media Run with This Like Charlottesville?

Tens of thousands of truckers and working-class Canadians launched a protest of the Trudeau government starting with the record-setting Freedom Convoy 2022 that arrived in Ottawa last Saturday. Since that time thousands of truckers and their working-class supporters have been protesting in Ottawa, Alberta, and Toronto demanding an end to the tyrannical pandemic policies of the Trudeau regime.

In response to the protest, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has lied about, smeared, and viciously attacked the protest movement.

There has not been a single arrest at the Ottawa protests, at least as reported earlier in the week.

Freedom protesters clipped together video mixing Trudeau’s horrible lies with images of the truckers and their Canadian supporters.
This is an outstanding video.

On Saturday several freedom protesters were injured by a vehicle that appeared to intentionally ram into a truck and run over at least one protester in Winnepeg.

This was a brutal attack.

Did Justin Trudeau’s vicious rhetoric and lies lead to this attempted murder?

Will the media run with this like they did Charlottesville?

The post Did Justin Trudeau’s Vicious Lies and Smears Lead to Car Ramming of Freedom Convoy Protesters in Winnipeg? Will Media Run with This Like Charlottesville? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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