
Worldwide Movement: Massive Freedom Convoy Formed in Helsinki, Finland Against COVID-19 Mandates and High Fuel Taxes – Cops Detain 55 Protesters

A massive freedom convoy was organized on Friday outside parliament in Helsinki, Finland demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s government, cutting 50% of fuel prices, and an end to all COVID restrictions.

Finland was enthusiastic about the Canadian convoy and the Finns set up a Facebook group that has gathered more than 45,000 members in just two days. The group name was called “CONVOY FINLAND 2022.”
“CONVOY FINLAND 2022″ is expected to resume daily through Wednesday, February 9, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day.
The demands to release the blockade of Helsinki are as follows:
  • All corona measures and restrictions in Finland shall be abolished and abolished permanently and permanently.
  • Fuels (both petrol and diesel) must be cut by 50% of the current tax.
  • The current Finnish government must resign.

It was reported that Finland will begin to ease COVID-19 restrictions in mid-February.

The Finland police attacked the freedom convoy and started to tow trucks and detained 55 people outside parliament.

Yle news reported:

Police detained some 55 protesters outside parliament when they broke up a ‘convoy’ demonstration that had blocked traffic for several hours in pursuit of demands including cheaper petrol and the resignation of the government.

Police began towing vehicles parked on Mannerheimintie when the protesters did not disperse when instructed to do so just after midnight.

Two of the detainees were taken in on suspicion of obstructing an official carrying out his duties, and police tweeted that one of their tow trucks had its tires punctured with a sharp implement.

The United States Embassy in Helsinki, Finland released a travel alert on Friday urging the public to monitor local media for updates.

“Demonstrations are expected to take place beginning today, February 4, 2022 at 6 p.m. and continuing through 10 p.m. Demonstrations are expected to resume daily through Wednesday, February 9, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. each day.  Convoy Finland 2022 intends to protest pandemic measures, fuel taxes, and other Government of Finland decisions by blocking major thoroughfares in the Helsinki region with convoys of cars and trucks.”

The post Worldwide Movement: Massive Freedom Convoy Formed in Helsinki, Finland Against COVID-19 Mandates and High Fuel Taxes – Cops Detain 55 Protesters appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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